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[[circled]] 22 [[/circled]]
picuous during WF's. I am pretty sure that the "Glanc" seen a couple of days ago has similar white "flashes" (Actually, at first I thought this bird was a [[male symbol]] Albi. [[underline]]but it was definitely blu-ish[[/underline]]. Dull and dark. There was a little fog at the time, but I would be surprised if moisture on black features would produce such a blue effect.
Stop observations 4:30 pm
5:25. Go to small forest where first "Glanc" seen. Weather is clear now, here, and everything is very quiet.
See Sooty Thrushes coming in to roost. 5:25-5:35. Just 3 individuals, then 2; then 1. All apparently going into same tree.
Leaving 5:48 pm.
COMMENT: Why is it particularly advantageous for the birds in the Western Cordillera to form mixed flocks for defense against predators? Are there more predators here than in most other parts of the Andes? (Do predators come up from the lowlands more frequently here?) Or is it that the very humid forest and scrub here is noisier than in most other places (constantly dripping water, etc.)?
May 3, 1965
Arrive place where I heard Laf-like Songs yesterday 5:40 am 8600 ft, 2410 m Region obviously second growth scrub along road, a few scattered old trees further back. Warm. Clear. Just getting light. Everything rather quiet at first. 
First Laf-like Songs, short phrases 5:42. General amount of bird song building up.