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[[circled]] 26 [[/circled]]
The term "sudden invasions" may be contrasted with "gradual invasions."

It rains after lunch. Stops. Then I start out for the Ranchito. Ca. 2:00 p.m. on the way up, I catch brief glimpses distant birds in tree-tops. But nothing like mixed flocks seen April 30th.

2:42. See single "Acorn" Woodpecker alone.

Sun starts to shine just as I reach woods a few feet below Ranchito. Woods Full of "Acorns". Also lots of small birds which I haven't identified yet altitude here is 2550 m., 8190 ft

[[margin, in red]]18[[/margin]] 2:58. See group [[underline]] [[four red check marks]] 4 cyanocephala [[/underline]]. In low trees, obviously second growth, edge forest. [[Underline]]Very noisy.[[/underline]] lots of twittering Cy-like Song phrases. Rattles in flight. Definitely alone. (There is a large Nuttalomis-like Flycatcher and one of the trees visited by the tanagers. But the two species seem to ignore one another. Flycatcher does not follow when the tanagers move on.)

"Acorns" all over the place. I won't record them unless they show some interest in mixed flocks. Surprisingly enough the "Acorns" are making many flycatching flights.

[[margin, green]]79 80 81 [/margin]] Then see diffuse flock in long strip mature forest. Includes[[insert, purple]]12[[/insert]][[four green checkmarks]] lots of [[margin, in purple]]VII HO [[/margin]]flycatchers and tree-creepers,[[green check mark]] [[in purple]]  3 [[/in purple]]  1 Red Woodpecker, 1 [[green check mark]]Yellow-faced [[in purple]] 4 [[/in purple]] Whitestart, at least one [[underline]]Chlorospingus canigularis [[/underline]], 1 [[green check mark]] Blue + Black,[[in purple]] 6 [[/in purple]] certainly [[four green check marks]]  others [[in purple]] 7 [[/in purple]]. Tree-creepers in lead part of the time. The Blue + Black flies off after only a minute. [[underline]]No one follows[[/underline]]. Flock utters lots of "CN"s. Little else. Birds ranging 20 – 40 ft above ground.

[[underline]]Two[[/underline]] squirrels near flock at one time. One in trees to rear. One on ground that sides. Both generally brownish all over. Perhaps with slightly more rufescent tails.

Flock moves on 3:15 p.m.