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[[circled]] 31 [[/circled]] 

[[left margin in red]] Cy 55 [[/left margin]]

Then see single Cy [[red checkmark]] alone. Feeding on berries of vine clinging to tree 10 - 20 ft up. Using same technique as Cys near Merida. This undoubtedly is the same individual seen above [[female symbol]] Albi territory earlier this morning.

[[left margin in red]]Scan Gen[[/left margin]]

9:27. See a Scan (definite) feeding on species red tubular flowers which is [[underlined]] very [[/underlined]] common almost all over the Munchique region; but which the local Diglossini seem to ignore.

[[left margin in red]] 56 [[/left margin]]

See single Yellow-belly [[red checkmark]] moving through [[underlined]] very [[/underlined]] low exposed second growth and brush piles. Only a few inches above ground most of the time. Definitely alone. Uttering "Seeet" notes.

[[left margin in red]]Coer?[[/left margin]]

9:45. Alpine scrub or forest below TV Station. Area where Cy seen first this morning. Hear diglossini song. Intro Notes and Twitter. Twitters perfectly typical Cy. But Intro Notes "Seeeee seeeee". [[underlined]] No [[/underlined]] trace "Tut" or "Tit". Unfortunately can't see bird – but it [[underlined]] must [[/underlined]] have been Cy.

[[left margin in red]] Cy Coer [[/left margin]]

I must say that I do not understand the variations in songs of Cys and Coers different areas.

[[left margin in red]] 57 [[/left margin]]

Then see single Yellow-belly [[red checkmark]] alone.

[[left margin in red]] Albi? 58 [[/left margin]]

10:05. See single darkish Diglossa [[red checkmark]] in low bush, right at top of mountain. [[male symbol]] Albi?

Leave 10:15 a.m.

[[left margin in purple]] XIV HO [[/left margin]] [[left margin in red]] Sitti WCC [[/left margin]] [[left margin in green]] 83 85 89 92 93 [[/left margin]]

On way down, region very tall second growth on old slide, see mixed flock. Includes at least [[2 green checkmarks]] 2 [[purple]] 1 [[/purple]] [[underlined]] Cnemoscopus [[/underlined]] adults and 1 [[green checkmark]] juv. same species (Begging). Probably, in fact, includes at least [[2 green checkmarks]] 5 or 6 [[underlined]] Cnemoscopus [[/underlined]] Also [[2 green checkmarks]] 2 Yellow-bellies [[purple]] 2 [[/purple]], [[green checkmark]] 1 Yellow-faced [[purple]] 3 [[/purple]] Whitestart [[green checkmark]] 1 [[underlined]] Chlorospingus canigularis [[/underlined]] [[purple]] 4 [[/purple]], [[green checkmark]] 1 small [[purple]] 5 [[/purple]] ruddy flycatcher, [[green checkmark]] 1 small furnariid, [[green checkmark]] 1 Sitti [[purple]] 6 [[/purple]]. Probably also [[green checkmark]] 1 [[male symbol]] [[purple]] 7 [[/purple]] WCC. Yellow-bellies definitely in lead. [[underlined]] Cnemoscopus [[/underlined]] follow right after them. The rest trail along behind. All 5 - 15 ft above grou

Transcription Notes:
I have transcribed this page twice, from top to bottom. The first time, I clicked the save button; the second time, I clicked "Complete and Mark for Review". Both times my entire transcription disappeared. The tool I am using for transcription is Dragon NaturallySpeaking. Is that a problem? - Thanks for your patience as we dealt with this problem, which was related to duplicate pages in the system, rather than your software. Please let us know if this problem continues (please use the feedback button or e-mail -Meghan