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[[margin, in green]]115[[/margin]] [[underlined]]pileus[[/underlined]]. There also are 2 [[insertion]]2 checkmarks[[/insertion]] Yellow-faced Whitestarts with group and 1 [[insertion]]checkmark[[/insertion]] Yellow-belly. [[Jurice?]] Whitestarts f ---> [[underlined]]atro-pileus[[/underlined]]. Once Whitestarts j ---> Yellow-belly [[margin, in green]]116[[/margin]]. Yellow-belly seems to leave group soon.
   [[margin, in red]]Cy 176[[/margin]] In some trees about 20 ft away from this flok are two Cys [[insertion]]2 checkmarks[[/insertion]]. (The __ who get involved in chase. Probably the same as the __ involved in "Pounce" __ earlier.) They do [[underlined]]not[[/underlined]] seem to be pagine; any attection to the flock. Fly off separately.
  Going down lull 9:50 am.
  9:56. See __ group 2 or 3 Yellow-faced Whitestarts in low scrub. Also bear [[underlined]]refruicha[[/underlined]]-like "feee" Notes nearly. Probably same group seen before.
  Leaving 10:20 am.
  NOTE: Although it is supposed to be the full rainy season here now, I have certainly had beautiful weather throughout my stay with the partial exception of the first day (April 30th).
  Going for walk this afternoon. Some places as yesterday afternoon. Arrive "Glane" area 2:10 pm. Fog seems to be coming in, but it has not (yet) reached this area. It is weirdly here now, alternately cloudy and sunny. No sign either "Glane" or mixed flocks.
  Go on along road. Then some Yellow-faced Whitestart songs 2:22.
  2:40 pm. See mixed flock. Includes at least 2 [[insertion 2 checkmarks]] Sooty Thrushes, [[margin, in purple]]XII HO[[/margin]] Ruddy Flycatcher, 2 [[insertion]]2 checkmarks[[/insertion]] unidentified tauger types. In second growth trees along edge road and pasture. [[margin, in green]]12 checkmark[[/margin]]