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  Arrive Cy area. No typical Cy Songs audible. Something in giving "Ja see tasee tasee tasee" phrases in top tree. [[underlined]]cyanocephala[[/underlined]]?
  Lots of birds vocalizing in scrub around here.
  See another single Sooty Thrush alone 6:01. In tall tree.
  Whitestarts still Singing occasionally. Feud to alternate with bird uttering "Jasee tasee tasee...." phrases!
  Noise generally less 6:07 am.
  6:13. From the sound, there is a mixed flock down hill in rather open scrub. But I can't see birds.
  More Sooty Thrushes alone! 6:21. 
  [[margin, in red]]178[[/margin]] See pair GT's [[insertion]]2 checkmarks[[/insertion]], 6:28. In section-growth and mature trees both. 30 ft above ground. Quite noisy. But definitely quite alone.
  See mixed flock 6:31. In low scrub. Very open second growth along edge road. All birds ranging 1-10 ft above ground. Group includes [[margin, in green]]118[[/margin]] 2 [[insertion]]2 checkmarks[[/insertion]] birds which are either [[underlined]]Hemisprugis superciliarius[[/underlined]] or [[underlined]]Bainleuterus luteoverides[[/underlined]] (probably the forever -- as large as [[underlined]]H. atro-peleus[[/underlined]], crown apparently slightly brownish -- not pure olive, superciliarius stripe yellowish or buffy, apparently [[margin, in green]]121[[/margin]] not pure white but not pure yellow either), 2 [[insertion]]2 checkmarks[[/insertion]] [[underlined]]H. atro-peleus[[/underlined]], 1 [[insertion]]checkmark[[/insertion]] [[margin, in green]]124[[/margin]] [[underlined]]Attepetes sufruincha[[/underlined]], 1 [[insertion]]checkmark[[/insertion]] Yellow-faced Whitestart, 2 [[insertion]]2 checkmarks[[/insertion]] Ruddy Flycatchers, and [[margin, in green]]126[[/margin]] 2 [[insertion]]2 checkmarks[[/insertion]] large [[woodweepers?]]. Group very coherent. The [[underlined]]H. superciliaris[[/underlined]] or [[underlined]] B. luteovirides[[/underlined]] types [[underlined]]always in lead[[/underlined]]. The [[underlined]]refruicha[[/underlined]] follows them particularly closely!!! The [[underlined]]H. superciliaris[[/underlined]] - [[underlined]] B. luteovirides[[/underlined]] types are very noisy throughout. So are the [[underlined]]H. atro-peleus[[/underlined]]. The Whitestart mugs occasionally. Other birds utter only "CN"s and "PN"s. [[margin, in purple]]XVIII HO[[/margin]]
  After a few minutes, [[underlined]]H. superciliaris[[/underlined]] - [[underlined]] B. luteovirides[[/underlined]] types [[margin, in red]]80[[/margin]] fly across the road. Followed by all the other birds, [[underlined]]except[[/underlined]] the [[underlined]]atro-peleus[[/underlined]] [[insertion]]2 checkmarks[[/insertion]]