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[[circled]] 42 [[/circled]]
The latter remain behind and apparently disappear
[[margin, in red]] Cy ? 81 [[/margin]]
Then a single Cy [[red check mark]] flies by thru [[underline]] low scrub [[/underline]], passing behind flock. Shows no tendency to join group. This is where Cy was seen carrying n.m. yesterday.  Was this bird low because it was going to nest??? 
[[margin, in red]] 82 [[/margin]] 
6:55. Single Yellow-belly flies thru tree-tops across road from flock. Passes within 40 ft of flock. But (also) shows no tendency to join it.
Flock has now moved uphill. Also higher in vegetation.  15-20 ft up, in bamboo and tangles on trees. Now some birds at least 35 ft up! Still very noisy.  But birds very difficult to see now.  Going to leave group now 7:02.
[[margin, in red]] 84 [[/margin]] See pair of Yellow [[2 red check marks]] bellies alone. High in trees, 40 - 50
ft up. 7:10. See [[underline]] another [[/underline]] mixed flock! Only a few hundred yards up road
[[margin]] [[in red]] Sitte [[/in red]] [[in green]] 130 135 [[/in green]] from the other flock. This group
is [[underline]] enormous [[/underline]]. Includes at [[insert, in purple]] 1 [[/insert]] [[2 green check marks]] least [[insert, in red]] 2 Sittes  [[/in red]] 2 U. [[underline]] rupercilaris  [[/underline]]  [[2 green check marks]] [[insert, in purple]] 2 [[/in purple]] - [[underline]] B. luteoviridis [[/underline]] types, 2 [[2 green check marks]] [[insert, in purple]] 3 [[/insert]] [[underline]] H. atropileus [[/underline]], 1 [[single green check mark]] [[underline]] rufinucha [[/underline]], 2 or 3 Yellow faced Whitestarts, [[2 green check marks]] [[insert,in purple]] 5 [[/insert]]  
[[margin]] [[in red]] Cy [[/in red]] [[in green]] 139 [[/in green]]
2 Cys, [[2 green check marks]] [[insert, in purple]] 6 [[/insert]] 
1 Yellow-belly, [[1 green check mark]] [[insert, in purple]] 7 [[/insert]]
1 [[male symbol]] Western Tanager (sic!!!) [[1 green check mark]] [[insert, in purple]] 8 [[/insert]]
[[margin, in green]] 142 [[/margin]] in full plumage, a variety [[three green check marks]] [[insert, in purple]] 9 10 [[/insert]] of woodcreepers. Probably also at least two [[2 green check marks]] [[insert, in purple]] 11 [[/insert]] Culusoscopus. [[margin]] [[in purple]] XIX 40 [[/in purple]] [[in green]] 144 [[/in green]] Birds extending from tops tall trees to low scrub only a few inches above ground. Possible to recognize two distinct sub-groups. [[margin, in red]] Sitte [[/margin]] A tree group: Including Sittes and Woodcreepers all the time; and the Yellow-belly, the Western Tanager, and the Cys most of time. Also a scrub group Including the 2 [[underline] Hemispisigns [[/underline]] types, the [[underline]] rufrincha [[/underline]], and the Whitestarts. But the two groups overlapped. Once the Cys, the Yellow-belly, and the Western 
[[margin, in red]] Cy [[/margin]]
flew down into very low scrub, only a few inches from ground (possibly joining the [[underline]] H. superceharis - B. lutloverides [[/underlined]] types) and fed there for for some minutes before going back to trees.  
All birds feeding on insects all or most of the time. Pushing them off