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[[circled]] 45 [[/circled]]

[[margin note in red]] 86 [[/margin note in red]]
9:17. See single [[underlined, red check mark above]] cyanocephala [[/underlined, red check mark above]] fly by alone. In low scrub.

9:22. [[underlined]] Again [[/underlined]] catch glimpse small black bird in scrub edge landslide.

I suppose that it is by no means impossible that both Gloriss and Ater occur here in the same habitat (?)

Leaving 9:45 am.

After getting back to the Finca, I can see that clouds are piling up and the wind is increasing. The weather obviously is about to break! I have been lucky all during my stay here!

This afternoon going to take a look at the little wood where the peculiar Slate-throat-Thrush flock was seen last week. Arrive 4:00 pm. Sky slightly overcast, but weather very good. The wood seems absolutely [[underlined]] deserted [[/underlined]], except for a single Scan (which soon moves off)

4:20 pm. Hear soft R's or Trills down inside forest. Go down myself. [[margin note, in red]] Albi 24 Scan [[/margin note, in red]] Unfortunately, I can't get very close (a fence in way). But catch one brief glimpse darkish [[red check mark]] Diglossa [[/red check mark]] in patch low scrub edge wood. In bush with tubular purple flowers. Same species in which I have seen Scans feed. and there is, in fact, a Scan in this particular bush too. I [[underlined]] think [[/underlined]] that the Scan attacks and drives off Diglossa!!!!

[[margin note, in red]] Albi [[/margin note, in red]] The R's or Trills uttered here sound very much like Albi. But [[underlined]] possibly [[/underlined]] softer and even more rapid.

[[margin note, in red]] Albi 25 [[/margin note, in red]] Aha! Finally work my way down into forest. R's start again. The nearer I get to the bird giving them, the more they sound like Albi R's. Most are simple R's. A couple (uttered when I am particularly close to the bird have one or two introductory notes. The I see the bird. [[underlined]] Definitely ♂ Albi [[/underlined]]! At first in low scrub under trees. Then flies to bush and small tree with purple flowers. Feeds on flowers there. Possibly also berries. Now