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[[circled]] 47 [[/circled]]

take nectar from some flowers when "available."

[[margin]] Scan Albi Bari [[/margin]] III. It looks as if the relations between Scans and Albis [[underline]] may [[/underline]] be somewhat similar to the relations between Scans and Baris in Bogota. I.E. Scans dominant. Attacking Albis, or, at least, having a "discouraging" effect upon them. (Thinking it over, this is really the only plausible reason why Albis are absent from the Finca garden, which is so full of lovely flowers, eminently suitable for Diglossas, but which is also [[underline]] full [[/underline]] of Scans. Possibly the Scan(s) and Albis co-exist, more or less, in the wood visited today simply because the area is "marginal" for Scans. Certainly, the population of Scans in the part of the wood visited is much smaller, and much more dispersed, than the population in the Finca garden.)

It may be worth stressing the difference between the reactions of Albis (and Baris) to Scans, on the one hand, and the mutual avoidance reactions of Diglossini near Quito. The latter keep "out of one another's way", but they do it in such a manner that it is not obvious that one bird is retreating before another. When they retreat very promptly before the advance of potential adversaries or (perhaps more probably) one bird does not advance until the other has [[underline]] already [[/underline]] left. Albis and Baris, however, tend to "linger" until it is very obvious that they are being "forced" out by the Scans.
May 7, 1965

Arrive top Munchique 5:45 am. Overcast Fairly warm. Just a little wind. Altitude, today, according to Rockefeller altimeter is 2750+