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[[circled]] 50 [[/circled]]

around a little more. Passes thru, and past, tree where Coer fed – only a minute or so earlier!

[[margin, in red]] Coer Albi Cy [[/margin]] So the Coer territory here [[underline]] must [[/underline]] overlap both Cy and Albi territories (even if the Cy and Albi territories do not overlap one another).

Incidentally, in this Alpine scrub, which is rather low, the Albi's and Blue Diglossas must often approach the same level above ground. Probably, in fact, overlap. The situation here must be rather different from that in the tall sub-tropical forest just below.

[[margin, in red]] Coer [[/margin]] NOTE: the Cy-like song with Coer-type Intro Notes heard near here a few days ago [[underline]] must [[/underline]] have been uttered by this Coer.

Everything quiet here 7:25 a.m.

See another single Sooty Thrush alone.

[[margin, in red]] Scan Cy Coer [[/margin]] Near what may be Scan vocalizing not far from Cy-Coer area; but not actually, to my knowledge, within it.

7:35. See rather large humming bird feeding tubular red flowers same [[margin, in red]] Albi ? [[/margin]] species on which Albi fed earlier. But this humming bird definitely [[underline]] not [[/underline]] Scan (has white sides to tail).

NOTE: I don't think my description above was very clear in one respect.
[[margin, in red]] Coer Cy [[/margin]] The Coer, when it flew away, went straight to the area where I have seen Cy(s) on previous days.

Leaving 7:45 a.m.

On my way down hill, I saw a large mixed flock. In low
[[margin, in purple]] XX HO [[/margin]] scrub under trees near upper limit limit sub-tropical forest. Included 2 ^[[2 checkmarks, green]] Yellow-bellies, 1 or 2^[[1 checkmark, green]] PR Atlapetes, and many^[[8 checkmarks, green]] others. The Yellow-bellies
[[margin, in green]] 154 [[/margin]] definitely in lead.

The PR's seem to be almost (or completely) obligate commensals here!