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[[circled]] 53 [[/circled]]
[[margin]] [[in red]] Cy [[/in red]] [[in green]] 20 [[/in green]] [[/margin]]
d been. Moving in same direction as Slate-throats. Then, suddenly, [[two green check marks]]
2 Cys (definite) fly into tree only 10 ft from one into which Slate-throats flew (I [[underline]]
think [[/underline]] the Slate-throats are still there) 15 ft up. Cys [[underline]] fight [[/underline]]
with one another. Fight apparently silent. Then one or both fly(ies) off.
Possibly Slate-throats are allogregarious here (too) ??? Possibly (also) passive nuclear???
Incidentally, some species has been singing here very frequently ever since we arrived. 
I have yet to see the birds uttering these Songs. But the Songs [[undeline]] sound [[/underline]]
rather as I [[underline]] remember [[/underline]] Slate-throat Songs in Chiriqui. I think 
Slate-throats [[underline]] may [[/underline]] be very abundant here. 
5:30 See single Quetzal alone. 30 ft up in tree. Apparently juv. [[male symbol]] molting into adult
plumage or an adult [[female symbol]]
See single [[red check mark]] Slate-throat Singing. Short phrase. But this is the type
[[margin, in red]] 17 [[/margin]]
of Song which I thought might be uttered by Slate-throats 
There also is something around here which is uttering twittering Songs which are much more Diglossine-like
than Slate-throat Song. I think [[margin, in red]] Cy ? [[/margin]] these may be Cys. In any case, these
Songs are being uttered while Slate-throats are silent.
[[margin, in red]] Cy ? [[/margin]] 
One bird is uttering these twittering Songs with 3 or 4 "Tut" Intro Notes before each phrase. This [[underline]] must [[/underline]] be Cy. If so, the main, twittering, part of each phrase is relatively
long and rapid, including relatively many notes.
[[margin, in red]] Cy 8 [[/margin]]
5:40 pm See bird fly away from tree from which Cy-type Songs have been coming. It [[underline]] is [[/underline]] Cy. [[red check mark]] And Songs stop as soon as bird flies
Everything getting dark 5:47. Also quiet. Going to stop observations.