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group of other birds again. This time, the other birds seem to "disappear". They certainly leave, but I can't see where or how. Presumably repelled by Caciques???

[[margin note in green]] 80 [[/margin note in green]]
Caciques stay around for some minutes. Then start to move off. As they go, I see a pair of ^[[green double check mark]] Whitestripes (definite) 6 ft up in thick second growth scrub, more or less under trees in which Caciques and other birds had been earler. Quite possibly they had been there all the time!

Reach area 2850 m., 9375 ft 3:45 pm. Fog has lifted. But I seem to have lost the path! Forest here obviously still temperate. No trace Alpine scrub. But trees rather far apart.

3:55. See single ^[[red check mark]] Yellowbelly in tree up hill. Probably 30 ft above ground. Sitting quietly and preening. Only 1-2 ft away from the Yellowbelly is a single [[red note in margin]] 19 Cy? [[/red note in margin]] ^[[red check mark]] Diglossa. Light is bad, so I can't be absolutely sure of species, but it probably is Cy. Also sitting quietly preening. Diglossa flies away. A minute later, Yellowbelly does too.

Starting downhill again 4:03

4:20 pm 9125 ft. Not far from where large mixed flock seen earlier. 
[[margin note in pink]] XI HO [[/margin note in pink]] Probably largely same flock. Region second growth scrub and a few trees. 
[[margin note in green]]84[[/margin note in green]] First see 2 Yellow-faces in scrub, 10 ft up. 6[[double check mark in green]] 2 Whitestripes f --> Yellow-faces, at same level. Then a whole group of birds appears. Definitely following Yellow-face - Whitestripe group. But 20 ft behind. [[margin note in green]]86[[/margin note in green]] In small trees 15-30 ft up.
[[margin notes in red]] Cy WCC Eusifera WCC [[margin notes in red]] 
[[margin note in green]]72[[/margin note in green]]
 This is "main party". includes ^[[green check mark]] ^[[number in red]] 3 [[/number in red]] 1 Cy, ^[[green check mark]] ^[[number in red]] 4 [[/number in red]] 1 ♂ WCC and ^[[green check mark]] 1 ♀ WCC, at least ^[[3green check marks]] ^[[number in red]] 5 [[/number in red]] 3 [[underlined]] Cnemoscopus [[/underlined]] ^[[green check mark]] ^[[number in red]] 6 [[/number in red]] 1 Eusifera. At least ^[[green check mark]] 1 ^[[number in red]] 7 [[/number in red]] [[underlined]] H. atropileus [[/underlined]] J --> group. Stays in scrub 3-6 ft up. [[underlined]] Not [[/underlined]] bamboo; (there is no bamboo around here). Birds only moderately noisy. No Song. WCC's picking insects off leaves. Other species apparently looking for insects in a number of