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Then a really terrific downpour of rain begins! Really torrential, so I decide to go on further uphill. Reach area 2875 m. when rain lets up a little. Everything very quiet during both rain and subsequent let up.
Then another terrific downpour begins. So I start downhill. Rain continues without let up. But, this time, [[underline]]all the way downhill through the forest I hear lots and lots of birds.[[/underline]] It seems as if every single bird in the whole region is vocalizing!!! At least between 10:00 a.m and 10:30 (when I get to the bottom of the forest) I also catch glimpses of at least 3 mixed flocks.
So it looks as if the birds here are like the one on [[?]] Munchique [[/?]]. [[underline]]Bad weather seems to stimulate the formation of flocks here[[/underline]]!!! (If nothing else, the outburst of vocalization during at least some heavy rains will tend to bring birds together.) As noted yesterday, it is quite probable that many of the birds at lower elevations, down by the Korea Station itself are coming into breeding condition. But the rarity (or "diffuseness") of flocks seen yesterday may have been largely due to the fact that the weather was good yesterday, without rain and with long periods of sunshine. [[underline]]Certainly, all the flocks seen today were[[/underline]] very coherent. Birds keeping close together and moving steadily in one direction. (And, incidentally, without any overt hostility between members.)
The 3 flocks seen on the way downhill were as follows:
[[XIV]] [[HO]] [[116]]
I. Just about 25 m. below the highest point reached. A group of [[underline]] 3 [[/underline]] GTs,[[3 check marks]] [[1 checkmark]] 1 very large tree creeper, [[1 check mark]] [[2]] others. [[4 check marks]] [[3]] [[4]] In large but not very high tree. All birds seen 20-30 ft up. GT's "mob" me with loud, harsh, nasal notes.
[[XV]] [[HO]] [[120]] 
II Where [[?]] Albis [[/?]] seen earlier this morning. Definitely at least 4 [[4 check marks]] or 5 birds moving about in scrub. But rain too heavy and light too bad for me to be able to identify any of them.
[[XVI]] [[HO]]
III. Lower part of the forest. Close to the highest part of the Korea Sta