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[[circled 68 in upper right corner of page]]
e of path. 2-4 ft up. Noisy. Probably same species seen earlier. Probably same individuals, in fact. But now, apparently alone.
     Have reached fog level now
     Up where first 2 Albis seen this morning 3:45.
     Fog lifts 3:58 pm. Can hear various birds in neighborhood. Doesn't sound like a flock.
     See single Sooty Thrush alone. 3 ft up in scrub.
     Birds in general certainly [[underlined]] very [[/underlined]] much quieter this afternoon than during last rain this morning!
[[red 32 in margin]]
4:25pm. 9300ft 2850 m. See single Yellowbelly ^[[1 checkmark]] alone 25-35 ft up
in tree in dense forest. Bird flies off. Apparently to join mate slightly downhill.
     Fog approaching again. Everything [[underlined]] very [/underlined]] quiet now.
     4:34. Same area. See pair [[underlined]] Atlapetes torquatus [[/underlined]]. On ground. In area
palm scrub under trees. Silent. Definitely alone.
[[red 34 in margin]]
     Then a few seconds later see pair ^[[2 red check marks]]of birds in tree where Yellowbelly [[word obscured by tear in page]]
earlier. Apparently cotingas. Reminiscent of [[underlined]]Pipreola riefferi[[/underlined]] but different
from any of the latter I have seen before. Dark bill. Red eyes and legs. Dark
head and breast (dark blue? black?) Olive above. Yellowish spots on wings Yellow below on belly and abdomen (probably also lower breast).
Yellow conspicuously [[underlined]]barred[[/underlined]] (not streaked) with blackish
[[LXXXXIV written vertically in left margin in red]]
[["See Corrected Description!" written vertically in left margin]]
[[green 162 written in left margin]]
     Then the 2 Cotingas fly approximately^[[2 checkmarks over followed by a 1]] 100 ft away. I follow them 
and [[green 164 written over "and"]] find they have [[underlined]] joined [[/underlined]] large mixed flock. Group also includes 2 [[two green checks over "2"]] GT's [[purple number 2 over "GT"]], [[XX written in purple]]
[[168 written in green in left margin]] 2 [[two green checks]] Yellowbellies [[purple number 3 over "Yellowbellies"]], 2 [[one green check]] Yellow-faced Whitestarts [[purple number 4 over "Yellow]], at least 1 [[one green check]] [[underlined]]H. [[purple number 5]] atropileus[[/underlined]], at least
[[green 170 written in left margin]] 1 [[one green check]] Whitestripe, at least 1 ^[[green checkmark, followed by purple 7 over "Basileuterus"]] [[underlined]]Basileuterus[[/underlined]] LXXXI. Group as a whole quiet.
Cotingas, GT's, Yellowbellies, and Yellowfaces stay in trees, 15-30 ft up.
[[underlined]] Hemispingus [[/underlined]] spp. and Basileuterus in scrub. 5-15 ft up. Difficult to

Transcription Notes:
Atlapetes torquatus (White-browed brush finch) later placed into genus Buarremon, now genus Arremon.