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[[circled]] 40 [[/circled]]
II. The forest around 9300 ft here is not quite the same as the forest 300-400 ft below. Trees are shorter, and more widely spaced. It's far from being "Alpine Scrub"-- but it is on the way to getting there!

May 29, 1965

Delayed by rain in usual way this morning. Entering forest path going uphill 6:05 am

The sun is shining now, and everything is [[underline]] very [[/underline]] quiet. All I see on the first part of the forest trail is a few (3 or 4) single Sooty Thrushes

Reach approximate area Albis and Cy - WCC flock 6:45 am. Everything quiet except for occasional Cy and Yellow-face Songs, some R's, and a variety of hummingbird noises. Hummingbirds are fighting among themselves

[[margin, in red]] 37 [[/margin]]

6:59 See 2 Yellowfaces. [[two red check marks]] Silent and definitely alone. In low scrub, 2-3 ft up, along edge of path.

7:25 See single [[underline]] Atlapetes brunnei-nucha [[/underline]] (definite) 3 ft up in low, thick second growth scrub. Silent and alone. Very near where Cy-WCC flock seen a few days ago


[[margin, in red]] 39 [[/margin]]

7:44 See pair Ruddy Flycatchers in trees. Apparently alone. They see squirrel, brown with red tail, 35 ft up in tree. [[underline]] Making a lot of noise [[/underline]]. Chattering Two Sooty Thrushes j--->  squirrel Then fly off in one direction, while squirrel moves in another.

Starting down hill 7:55 am
[[margin, in red]] 41 [[/margin]]

On way down 2675 m. See pair Agriomis-types [[two red check marks]] (same species as on