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[[circled]] 74 [[/circled]]

parently single White-^[[checkmark]]bearded Flycatcher in same tree where Brun and Ruddy seen earlier.  10 ft up.
        A few minutes later, see single Sooty ^[[checkmark]] Thrush alone in adjacent tree 15 ft. up.
        As far as I can tell, these birds are [[underline]] not [[/underline]] members of the same social group.
        CORRECTION: They probably [[double underline]] are [[/underline]] part of a mixed flock. A few seconds later, and a few feet farther on, see single PL ^[[checkmark]] Atlapetes, 

[[margin, in red]] Brun [[/margin]] one [[underline]] B. ^[[checkmark]] click save nigrocristatus [[/underline]] in bush. Also, Ruddy Flycatcher. Ruddy almost certainly same individual seen earlier. And I [[underline]] imagine [[/underline]] that the Brun and Whitebeard seen earlier probably were attracted to this group at least temporarily. PL ranging 10-15 ft up in bushes. Apparently feeding on clusters small yellowish white flowers (eating them whole) [[underline]]B. nigrocristatus [[/underline]] ranging 2-15 ft up. Possibly also feeding on same flowers and picking insects off leaves. Ruddy making flycatching flights, 6 - 19 ft. up. All individuals quiet. PL probably in lead. [[underline]]B. nigrocristatus [[/underline]] definitely f [[arrow pointing to right]]
    The PL, [[underline]] nigrocristatus [[/underline]], & Ruddy eventually disappear from my sight. A second later, a hummingbird XII appears in bush where 

[[margin, in red]] XII [[/margin]] group was earlier. Feeds on yellowish white flowers in usual hummingbird 

[[margin, in red]] Scan [[/margin]] fashion (sucking nectar). Then flies off. Another second later, Scan (definite) appears! The hummingbird XII disappears just before or just as Scan flies in. Scan perches a second. Then flies off. did [[underline]] not [[/underline]] feed on the yellowish white flowers).

[[margin, in red]] Brun [[/margin]]        A few seconds after scan disappears, Brun (re)appears in tree a ft away. 8 ft up. Utters several Song phrases. All Twitters; [[underline]] but very rapid, mechanical, "un-musical". [[Double underline]] almost R's. As