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[[circled]] 90 [[/circled]]
[[margin, in red]] Cy [[/margin]]
picking insects off leaves. Most birds quiet. But Cy utters lots of Song phrases. Long Twitters preceded by "Trit" Intro Notes
[[underlined]] It seems obvious that Yellowbellies formed the "original nucleus" of this flock. Moving about conspicuously and noisily - at first alone. But then their conspicuousness gradually attracted the birds of other species.[[/underlined]]
Eventually, [[underlined]] one [[/underlined]] of the Yellowbellies in this flock flies down a hill. Into "upper sub tropical forest. All other birds follow, [[underlined]] except (the other) two Yellowbellies [[/underlined]]. The latter remain behind. Then fly off in opposite direction.
Then complications set in! Just as I am finishing the above account, 7:15 am., 
[[margin, in green]] 12 [[/margin]]
pair of [[two green checkmarks]] [[insert, in purple]] 7 [[/insert]] PL's appears. Moving down hill along road. Noisy. [[underlined]] Obviously same pair seen earlier this morning. Move into the exact same trees where big flock seen earlier[[/underlined]]. 
[[margin, in green]] 13 [[/margin]]
Then single Whitestripe appears. [[green checkmark]] [[insert, in purple]] 8 [[/insert]] Whitestripe j --> PL. PL's range 2-30 ft up. Whitestripe 2-15 ft up. Whitestripe quiet or silent. At this point, I thought "Aha! Two different mixed flocks, with overlapping 'flock ranges'."
Then PL's fly across road. Whitestripe f --> PL. [[underlined]] Immediately[[/underlined]], large flock appears in trees just vacated by PL's and Whitestripe. [[underlined]] Obviously largely the same as the large flock seen earlier [[/underlined]]. (I.E. the birds must have started up hill again - thus re-occupied trees occupied earlier.) Yellowbelly (ies) apparently still in lead. Then this large group flies across road, [[underlined]] obviously following PL-Whitestripe group [[/underlined]]!
Thus, [[underlined]] this would appear to have been an example of two "sub-flocks" merging.[[/underlined]] And, at the same time, [[underlined]] the leadership of [[/underlined]]