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[[circled]] 91 [[/circled]]
[[underlined]] most of the birds was transferred from Yellow-belly(ies) to PL's[[/underlined]]!
Then go up road, in direction flock went. 7:44. Come across [[margin, in red]] 6 [[/margin]] [[two red checkmarks]] 2 Yellowbellies. 10-20 ft up in alpine scrub. Uttering "PN"s. Presumably some of the birds that were with flock earlier. But now definitely alone. (Either that or they have lagged [[underlined]] very [[/underlined]] far behind as a "rear guard".)
More Dubusia Song 8:28 am. Only slightly down hill from Police Station.
Aside from this, birds generally very quiet now. Fog is coming in again.
Actually, the whole area seems to be quite deserted now. Presumably most of the local birds have "gone off" with one or more flocks.
Go down into upper part "upper sub-tropical" forest.
9:03. (9400 ft according to my altimeter now, which is varying 
[[margin, in red]] 7 [[/margin]] 
a little with T° and pressure.) See single [[red checkmark]] Blue & Black. Definitely alone. High in trees, at least 40-ft up. Uttering "PN"s. Flies on at once.
9:15. Slightly down road. Same place where largest mixed flock 
[[margin, in purple]] II HO [[/margin]] 
seen on my first visit. See [[underlined]] enormous [[/underlined]] mixed flock. Obviously [[underlined]] partly the same [[/underline]] as the flock seen earlier this morning. This time, I saw only part of group. But I did notice the following.
[[margin, in green]] 16 [[/margin]] 
Group includes at least [[green checkmark]] [[insert, in purple]] 1 [[/insert]] GT, 1 [[green checkmark]] [[insert, in purple]] 2  [[/insert]] Blue & Orange, 1 [[green checkmark]] [[insert, in purple]] 3 [[/insert]]  Yellowbelly, 
[[margin, in green]] 22 [[/margin]] 
2 [[two green checkmarks]] [[insert, in purple]] 4 [[/insert]] Dubusias (1 juv - with yellow at gape), 
1 [[green checkmark]] [[insert, in purple]] 5 [[/insert]] Big Buthraupis [[three green checkmarks]] [[insert, in purple]] 6 [[/insert]] 3 or 
[[margin, in green]] 29 [[/margin]]
more [[underlined]] Cnemoscopus [[/underlined]], 2 [[two green checkmarks]] [[insert, in purple]] 7 [[/insert]] Whitestripes, 2 [[two green checkmarks]] [[insert, in purple]] 8 [[/insert]]2 [[underlined]] H. atro-pileus [[/underlined]], 3 [[three green checkmarks]] [[insert, in purple]] 9 [[/insert]] or more of what [[margin, in green]] 32 [[/margin]] 
appear to be [[underlined]]B. luteoviridis[[/underlined]] (sic!), 1 [[green checkmark]] [[insert, in purple]] 10 [[/insert]] PL Atlapetes, 2 [[two green checkmarks]] [[insert, in purple]] 11 [[/insert]] or more Yellow- 
[[margin, in green]] 37 [[/margin]]
-faced Whitestarts, 1 [[green checkmark]] [[insert, in purple]] 12 [[/insert]] Cy, 1 [[green checkmark]] [[symbol for male]] and 1 [[green checkmark]] [[insert, in purple]] 13 [[/insert]] [[symbol for female]] WCC, 2 [[two green checkmarks]] [[insert, in purple]]  14 [[/insert]] Sittis, [[three green checkmarks]] insert, in purple]] 15 16 [[/insert]] various tree-
[[margin, in green]] 45 [[/margin]] 
creepers, and a group of at least 5 [[five green checkmarks]] [[insert, in purple]] 17 [[/insert]] small, dull-brown, rather Synall
[[margin, in green]] 50 [/margin]]
axis-like furnariids. [[five green checkmarks]] [[insert, in purple]] 18 19 [[/insert]]
[[Cy Sitti WCC in red in left margin]]