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[[circled]] 94 [[/circled]]

this morning. Perhaps their berries are in same tree.)

Sun coming out again 10:30. (The second "wave" of fog never actually quite reached me - or the flock(s) - this morning.)

Leaving 10:40 am.

[[roman numeral]] I. [/roman numeral]] All the birds seen feeding in the large flock seen this morning appeared to be taking insects, in one way or another. This may help to explain why they were advancing on such a broad front, "beating" the vegetation in front of them.

[[roman numeral]] II [/roman numeral]] I saw at least 3 Sooty Thrushes alone this morning, without bothering to mention them in my notes.


Going up to the Ranchito this afternoon.

2:11pm. 8000ft. Hear some Slate-throat Songs in wood in ravine below me. NODWA. Only a few phrases, Then hear quite a lot more Slate-throat Songs as I continue along path. At least 2 individuals Singing. Still NODWA.

[[in margin, in purple]] I HO [[/in margin, in purple]]2:40pm. Edge same woods. 8050ft. Catch glimpse of what is probably

[[in margin, in green]] 2 [[/in margin, in green]] mixed flock. Certainly includes at least 1 ^[[2 checkmarks,in green]] or 2 ^[[1 ,in purple]] [[underlined]] Compsocoma flavinucha [[/underlined]], 

[[in margin, in green]] 3 [[/in margin, in green]] 1 ^[[checkmark ,in green]] bird ^[[2 ,in purple]] (flycatcher ?) of another species. From sounds, I would 

[[in margin, in green]] 9 [[/in margin, in green]] suppose that there were a [[underlined and 6 ticks in green]] lot more [[/underlined and 6 ticks in green]] birds in neighborhood. 

[[underlined]] C. Flavinucha [[/underlined]] ranging 5 - 30ft up in trees and bushes.

Yes! There [[underlined]] are [[/underlined]] more birds around. A whole procession suddenly appears. All birds strung out, quite far apart (usually 20 - 30ft); but all moving rapidly and steadily in the direction that [[underlined]] C. Flavinucha [[/underlined]] (et al) took a few minutes ago. Birds appear in this order. First, one ^[[checkmark ,in green]] ^[[3,in purple]] 

[[in margin]] Cy [[/in margin]][[underlined]] cyanocephala [[/underlined]]; second, one Cy [[green check mark and purple 4]]; third, two [[two green checkmarks and purple 5]] Slate - throats ([[underlined]] definitely integr [[/underlined]]

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Transcription Notes:
"..." are the words that I could not quite firgure out what the write was saying. ???? I checked this and the only words in quotation marks are in quotes in the text.