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[[circled]] 98 [[/circled]]
[[margin, in green]] 51 [[/margin]]
dition to the Slate-throat Songs. [[six green check marks]] [[in purple]] 56178 [[/in purple]]
Stopping observation 6:00 pm.
COMMENT: It would appear that the birds here are just about as gregarious, and in much the same ways, now
as they were a couple of months ago! This is quite remarkable - in view of the fact that the weather is
very different now, and that most birds must be in a different stage of their annual cycle. 
It is also is interesting that mixed flocks were common and highly organized today - in view of the fact
that the weather today was good, on the whole. 
August 8,, 1965
Arrive top of mountain 5:45 a.m. Weather much like yesterday. Fog. But it is colder and windier than yesterday. 
Only a very few miscellaneous bird sounds when we arrive 
5:514 am. Humming birds fighting among themselves.
A moment later, White beard starts Singing usual place.
Then hear a greater variety of sounds slightly down hill.
Everything quiet again 6:04 am
Single bird flies by, [[red check mark]] alone, in fog. Uttering "Seeet" Notes.
Can't be identified by night; but sounds like Yellowbelly. 
Seen trying to come out 6:15 am.
There is a slight, but very slight, recrudescence of bird noises when the sun finally appears clearly 6:21. 
[[margin, in red]] 9 [[/margin]]
6:36 See single Yellowbelly [[red check mark]] 3 ft up in alpine scrub. Utters a