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[[circled]] 103 [[/circled]]

first place, I certainly have seen [[underlined]] brunneinucha [[/underlined]] several times apart from mixed flocks here.  In the second place, if it is really allogregarious here, it is the second case of the kind that I have observed.  Remember Slate-throated Whitestart!!!  Possibly there is a general rule that individuals are more allogregarious here than individuals of the same species in Chiriqui - altho the latter are more allogregarious than other individuals of the same species in other parts of the Andes.  ([[underlined]] Possibly [[/underlined]] the BCBT is an exception to the general rule.  But its case is complicated by changes in [[underlined]]auto[[/underlined]]gregariousness.) 

Going to work along the highway this afternoon.  Cloudy.  Fairly warm.  Occasional sprinkle of rain.  Fog (coming in from usual place) has reached very far this afternoon (almost to store). 

[[left margin in red]] XI 2 [[/left margin]]

2:45 pm.  See single [[red checkmark]] White-throated Hummingbird.  Feeding 3 ft up in "hedge" along stream.  Definitely alone. 

NOTE: There is almost [[underlined]] no [[/underlined]] wind down here this afternoon. 

3:00 pm.  Near where "Glauc" seen last year.  Catch brief glimpse of what may be small, diffuse, flock in fog in tree-tops.  All birds quite unidentifiable. 

3:15.  See a couple of Sooty Thrushes alone in scrub by road. 

[[left margin in purple]] VI HO [[/left margin]]
[[left margin in green]] 52 5 [[/left margin]]

3:20.  A few yards further along road.  8190 ft Come across definite mixed flock in heavy fog.  Includes at least [[green checkmark]] 1 Whitestripe, [[green checkmark]] 1 [[underlined]] Cnemoscopus, [[/underlined]] [[3 green checkmarks]] 3 or 4 [[purple]] 3 [[/purple]] large yellow-breasted tanagers (presumably [[underlined]] Buthraupis [[/underlined]] and/or [[underlined]] Compsocoma [[/underlined]] spp.)  Whitestripe in scrub 6 - 12 ft up.  Other birds in small second growth trees 15 - 30 ft up.  Flock apparently fairly coherent; but not going anywhere.  All or most [[left margin in green]] 58 [[/left margin]] birds utter a lot of "CN"s; but nothing else. [[2 green checkmarks]] 

Fog really [[underlined]] too [[/underlined]] thick.  Going down road 3:40 pm.