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[[circled]] 110 [[/circled]]

Then more variety of sounds in distance.  But it certainly doesn't sound like the breeding season here (either).
Yellowface Songs in distance 6:03. Overlapping "DC", but nothing else.
One individual uttering "DC" does aerial display. Flies up and then plunges down. Uttering unusually loud "DC"
Notes at an accelerated rhythm. Again. 6:08 am.
Then see something which [[underlined]] might [[/underlined]] be [[red check mark]] "Finch-like Tanager" (FLT).
[[margin, in red]] 1 [[/margin]]
Silent and alone. 2 ft up in scrub. 
"DC" finally stops 6:13 am. 
[[margin, in red]] 3 [[/margin]]
A pair [[two red check marks]] of birds flies by alone. Apparently blue-ish tanagers
[[margin, in red]] 4 [[/margin]]
Then see [[red check mark]] Diglossa of some sort flitting rapidly thru scrub
More Yellowface Songs in distance. NODWA.
6:20 am. A little bit down path. Edge scrub and pasture. 
[[margin, in red]] 5 [[/margin]]
See single [[underline]] Chlorospingus semifuscus [[/underline]] [[red check mark]]. At first rather low
in scrub. Uttering "Tsit" Notes. "CN"s? Then perches 10 ft up in scrub. Begins to utter DC. Lots of slightly
hoarse "Tseeoo" Notes. Uttered in very regular rhythm for long periods of time in indeterminate series.
Bird uttering in ordinary unritualized posture. Every one in a while; rhythm of notes accelerates. Then they
suddenly turn into R. Rhythm of R accelerating. R Notes also progressively descending in pitch. But all R
Notes are relatively clear (i.e. not hoarse). Each individual R Note might be transcribed by something
like "cheek". 
Possibly [[underline]] semifuscus [[/underline]] were the birds uttering "DC" earlier this morning. 
[[margin, in green]] 1 [[/margin]]
In any case, this particular [[underline]] semifuscus [[/underline]] [[green check mark]] would appear to be
in breeding condition now!