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[[119 written in pencil in upper right margin]]
rds of other species associated with the Yellowbelly.
7:55. Going down footpath on western slope of 
[[left margin  20 in red]]mountain, just below Police Station (I have never been here before). See single Yellowbelly [[red checkmark over Yellowbelly]] Definitely alone. 2 ft up in a very thick AS. Feeding on small fruits. 
[[W?]] it is turning very warm now 8:30 a.m. Sun shining brightly. Wind weaker than before. Going back along usual path. 
8:50 Finally see large mixed flock. In one of the usual places. Region of very mixed record growth with a few rather scattered tall mature trees. [[  X  HO green pencil 112 in margin]]
[[left margin  WCC 117
Sitti 122
Cy  124]]
least 3^[[ green check marks]][[underline]] Cnemoscopus [[/underline]](probably more - 5 or 6),^[[2 green check marks  2]] 2 GTA's, at least 1 ^[[ one green check mark   3]]Yellowbelly, 2^[[2 green check marks 4 ]] Blue & Oranges, at least 1 ^[[1 green check mark  5]]Whitestripe , 1^[[1 green check mark  6 ]] male and 1 ^[[one green check mark]]female WCC, at least 1^[[one green check mark 7]] Sitti, 1 Cy,^[[one green check mark  8 in purple]] 1^[[one green check mark  9 ]] Whitebeard , at least 1^[[one check mark in green  10 in purple]] [[underline]]Atlapetes torquatus[[/underline]] (!), several^[[2 green check marks  11 in purple]] woodcreepers.  [[underline]]Cnemoscopus[[/underline]], WCC's, Whitebeard, Cy, and Yellowbelly only seen high in trees, 20-30 ft up. Woodcreepers probably have similar range.[[underline]] Whitestripe [[/underline]] and [[underline]] A. torquatus [[/underline]] only seen low in scrub, 6 inches - 1 foot up. GT's, Blue & Oranges, Sittis ranging all levels 4-30 ft up. 
Group as a whole coherent. Noisy. Lots of "CN"s. Cy also sings repeatedly. Phrase after phrase.  All or most with "Tsit" Intro Notes. NODWA.[[underline]] Cnemoscopus[[/underline]] apparently in lead most of the time. But Whitebeard, GT's, Sittis, also in lead, occasionally, for brief periods of time.  GT's certainly eating fruits.[[underline]] Conirostrum [[/underline]] spp. certainly insects. The Cnemoscopus fight among themselves (as usual).
[[left margin in red
 The WCC's and the Sitti(s) are [[underline]]not [[/underline]] associating particularly closely with one another. But the WCC's [[underline]]are[[/underline[[ usually or always further behind in the flock that the Sitti(s). Neither [[underline]]Conirostrum [[/underline]] spp. shows any obvious tendency to associate with Cy.
Blue & Oranges frequently from the rear guard.