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[[circled]] 122 [[/circled]]
More Atlapetes Whistle Songs. NODWA
6:28. See pair PL Atlapetes, 2-3 ft up, in low but lush second growth edge slide. Very noisy. Lots of Greeting "chatter". But apparently alone. Can also [[underline]] hear [[/underline]] another pair of PL's 100 yds away across road. Probably also in low second growth. 
Then hear Dubusia Singing down hill.
6:35 am. See single Yellowbelly, silent & alone, feeding 3 - 4 ft up in second growth scrub. A few feet further on, see 2 Yellowbellies in tree, 15 ft up (one of these certainly is bird seen earlier). Also 2 PL's (probably also seen earlier) in same tree. Both Yellow bellies fly away. Long distance, across road. 1 PL f ---> Yellowbelly. [[underline]] But only half way. [[/underline]] Lands in bush. Then returns the other way. (Possibly I frightened this bird).
Then walk along ridge between East and West slopes.
Hear more Yellowface Songs NODWA.
6:50 Come to "grove" of tall mature trees. There are several birds moving about in 'tree-tops'. Not close together, but this looks as if the birds might be "preparing" to form flock. Can't identify any of them by sight. But I am sure that there is at least one Yellow-face among them. Singing NODWA. Then a pair of [[underline]] cyanocephala [[/underline]] flies out of low bamboo scrub across road. Into trees where other birds are. This must be considered a case of [[underline]] cyanocephalas [[/underline]] j --> group. Then
[[underline]] Dubusia [[/underline]] f --> [[underline]] cyanocephala [[/underline]]. Definite. But [[underline]] Dubusia [[/underline]] sticks to scrub. 5 - 12 ft up. Sings. Overlapping Yellowfaces. 
[[margin, in red]] Albi? [[/margin]]
A single Black Diglona (unidentified, but presumably [[male symbol]] Albi) appears very briefly in 
scrub, only a few feet from [[underline]] Dubusia [[/underline]]. Obviously escorting. Silent. Flies
off immediately. Then a pair of [[underline]] rufunichas [[/underline]] j ---> group. Very