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Central Cordillera Colombia
[[circled]] 1 [[/circled]]
May 8, 1965
Region of Purace

Going up part Purace along road to Moscopan, Neiva, Bogotá, etc. Arrive one spot 5:20 a.m. 3180m. 10,275ft. Still too dark to see.
5:33 Beginning to see a little. This is relatively small area alpine scrub along stream. The weather is cloudy, and there is a very light sprinkle of rain. First bird noises hear 5:35. Andean Sparrow. Also thrushes. Sounds like the usual Sooties.
5:50 a.m. Go on to another area, 3210 m., where there are hedge-like patches alpine scrub between road and pastures. Everything very quiet , altho I hear "CN" like sounds from time to time
Today at least, this area looks a lot [[underline]] more [[underline]] humid than Munchique. 6:12 a.m. See a single Sooty Thrush alone. Bright eye ring. There are lots of the cup-shaped dark red flowers favored by Cys in the Eastern Cordillera around here.
A slight increase in bird noises 6:20. Here what are either Laf songs or Laf-like phrases Whitestarts.
[[margin]] 2 [[/margin]]
6:23 See pair [[underline]] PR [[underline]] [[two red check marks above letters 'PR']] Atlapetes moving low in hedge. Uttering "Seeet" Notes and one burst twitter "Greeting". Definitely alone.
6:31 See what seems to be North American Waterthrush in edge of scrub. Alone
There are several kinds of hummingbirds here. Small green and large brown. But apparently no Scans.
[[margin]] Laf [[/margin]] 6:38 Hear definite Laf song. Prolonged and indeterminate. By bird hidden large clump bushes in "hedge".

Transcription Notes:
*This writing appears to be an impression of a later page which was produced by pressing hard while writing. **The date and location are right justified.