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[[circled]] 2 [[/circled]]

Back to first site 6:48. Weather as before, except that rain seems to be increasing gradually (altho it is by no means a downpour- yet).

See more hummingbirds and a single Sooty Thrush. All alone.
See several more Sooty Thrushes alone. In patches low scrub in pasture.

Still [[underline]] more [[/underline]] hummingbirds and thrushes alone 7:07 a.m. Rain starting to let up now.

Now 7:15, almost completely stopped. There is, perhaps, a very slight increase in the faint bird noises around here, but not much!

Catch occasional glimpses birds, singles and pairs, in scrub; without being able to identify them. I. E. there probably are plenty of birds here. It is just that they are remaining hidden.

[['Ater?' written in red in left margin]] Hear some phrases which [[underline]] may [[/underline]] be Ater Songs without R's 7:28
Going uphill 7:36. Reach point just below tall, obviously mature forest. 3250m 10,550ft. [[underline]] Still [[/underline]] nothing much visible except hummingbirds

This is rather reminiscent of the Quito region on a bad day. Incidentally, the forest here also looks like what I have been calling "upper subtropical". But it obviously [[underline]] must [[/underline]] be the kind called temperate by others. It is just that its "physiognomy" does not [[underline]] look [[/underline]] very different from upper (or lower) subtropical.

[[Laf?' written in red in left margin]] 7:45 Hear Laf Song in second growth scrub below forest Or is this Whitestart

7:50 Starting downhill again. Now there is definitely an outburst miscellaneous bird songs

[['4' written in red in left margin]] See a couple of White Bearded Flycatchers alone. [[Two red check marks between 'White' and 'Bearded']] High in tall mature trees standing isolated in midst of low scrub. 40 ft up. Noisy but alone.