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[[circled]] 14 [[/circled]]

May 11, 1965
Region of Puracé

Arrive same place as yesterday morning 5:37 a.m. Just starting to get light. Sky approximately 3/4 overcast. Cold.

Andean Sparrows Singing. Sooty Thrushes uttering a variety of notes as usual.

[[margin, in red]] 28 [[/margin]]

Have had several observations group(s) [[2 red checkmarks]] 2 or 3 Whitestarts alone (see Diglossini Notes) In trees and scrub. Noisy. Songs and SHN's (sharp "Tsit" or "Tit" Notes).

[[margin, in red]] 29 [[/margin]]

Then, 6:21 a.m., see single [[underlined]] Dubusia [[/underlined]] [[red checkmark]] alone. Perched top isolated, partly broken mature tree, 25 ft up. Flies off immediately.

See single Sooty Thrush alone.

See single Sooty Thrush chasing montane Cotinga (usual species) in flight. Then Sooty accelerates. May [[underlined]] actually [[/underlined]] attack cotinga. Then 2 birds separate. Land in same tall isolated tree, 35 - 40 ft up, 20 ft apart. Both seem to relax. 6:56.

[[margin, in red]] 30 [[/margin]]

Then see single Firebelly [[red checkmark]] moving rapidly thru large area low scrub. Only a few ft above ground. Silent. Definitely alone.

[[left margin in green]] 52 53 54 [[/left margin]]
[[left margin in red]] Ater 32 [[/left margin]]
[[left margin in purple]] VIII N [[/left margin]]

Then see pair [[2 green checkmarks]] Firebellies in low tree. 20 ft above ground. There also is a single Sooty Thrush in this tree. Single Ater J -----˃ Firebellies. Then flies away. Nothing follows. Sooty moves over nearer to Firebellies Finally only 1 ft away from them. Then Sooty flies off. Firebellies do not follow. Then Firebellies [[2 red checkmarks]] fly off in different direction.

7:25 Hear Dubusia singing uphill. Going uphill myself. 

See one Sooty Thrush chasing another. Alone. 

Transcription Notes:
Cotingas are birds of forests