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 EXTRA COMMENT:  Today's observation's would also conform
another of my earlier impressions.  None of "my" species is breeding here now.

                                   May 14, 1965
                                   region of Purole
   Arrive same place as May 12, 3:45 p.m. Light rain.
   Walking along road.Everything [[underline]] very [[/underline]] quiet. Rain stopping--but fog coming in 4:02 p.m.

Laf W   Laf Seugrug 4:04. 4 ft. up dense alpine scrub. Actually, there may be
53  2 Lap here.  Get glimpse of what looks like 
    Fog lifts temporarily 4:37 Now sun trying to shine thru clouds
   4:43 [[underline]] No [[/underline]]outburst of bird sounds or movements
               4:50 See rugle Whitebeard [[ insert-check mark]] alone.  Top small tree in scrub 20 ft
54      up.  Uttering  few "Ca"s.  Then hear some other bird sounds in neighborhood.
       Hummingbirds starting to fly around and feed.
       5:07 See large mixed flock.  In small trees,alpine scrub, [[underline]] at first.
XI  75
HO  Group includes 3 [[insert 3 check marks]] Whitebeards, 1 [[insert 1 check mark]] Firebelly, 2 [[insert 2 c
check marks and the number 3]] Blue & Orange
79  [[insert 3 checkmarks and the number 4]] Black & Whites (Jurclees [[?]] or [[underlline]] Hemispingus]]/underline- no. LXXXX), 1 [[INSERT 1 check mark and the number5 [[/insert]] tree creeper,
80  1 [[insert  check mark 6]] of the llittle streaked flycatchers which utter Alli-lelie R's.When first seen, [[underline]] Whitebeards in lead.[[/underline]]  Firebelly f [[arrow]] Whitebeard. Then comes the tree-creeper.  Then the  little strealied flycatcher. Then the 2 Blue & Orange Tanagers.  Then the 3 Black & Whites.  Then the Firebelly parres over the Whitebeards and takes the lead.  Whole group moving rapidly thru the trees.