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[[circled]] 23 [[/circled]]
All birds 10-15 ft. above ground.  Then, suddenly, the 3 Black & Whites swerve to our side. Start to move thru lower alpine scrub.   5-10 ft. above ground.  The Firebelly, the streaked flycatcher, and the Blue & Orange [[underline]] repeatedly follow [[/underline]] the Black & Whites ( At this time, the order of the birds which are following, i.e. their "precedence" in the "procession," changes rapidly and repeatedly.)  The Whitebeards and the tree creeper remain "behind" in the trees, but follow a course which is about parallel with that of the Black & White group.
[[margin, in red]] Laf Sitti [[/margin]]
Then a Laf [[green check mark]] [[insert, in purple]] 7 [[/insert]] joins Black and White group [[underline]] briefly.[[/underline]]  Then  a pair of Sittis [[underline]] joins [[/underline]] the Black and White group.  Stay with it for some time.  But then the Sittis fly away. [[underline]] Nothing follows them. [[/underline]] 
Then the Black and White group moves back toward trees. The Black & White's themselves apparently still in lead. Apparently rejoin, or pass in front of, the Whitebeard tree creeper group. Then the whole assemblage moves downhill and out of sight. The assemblage as a whole was quiet throughout the period of observation.
Most birds uttered only occasional "CN"s. But the [[underline]] Laf sang [[/underline]] birefly while it was
with or near flock. 
[[margin, in red]] Laf [[/margin]]
Sky almost clear now 5:30. Sun low in horizon. No wind. [[underline]] Cold. [[/underline]] Everything quiet. 
NOTE: For the first ime here, I can see summit Purace volcano. And I find that this area where I am working 
is really on the NNW slope of the mountain. Must be very [[underline]] close [[/underline]] to beginning of east side. 
Leaving 5:45 pm
May 15, 1965
Region of Purace