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[[circled]] 24 [[/circled]]
Arrive same place as yesterday 5:28 am. Sky largely overcast. Still quite dark. Apparently not much wind. But it is cold!
First thrush sounds heard 5:38 Otherwise things are very quiet. I wonder how many species here go torpid at night, especially cold nights? 
Going up hill. More bird sounds 5:45 am But none of "my" species yet. 
Everything [[underline]] dead [[/underline]] quiet again 5:52 Then hear first Firebelly in distance at 5:%3. Then a variety of sounds by different species. Then more Firebelly First Whitestart 5:58. No diglossini audible yet. A single Sooty Thrush flies by. Silent and Alone. 
6:01 Several Whitestarts Singing. Also some wren. Complete overlap Songs of the two species.
[[margin, in red]] 55 [[/margin]]
6:10 See single [[underline]] B nigrocristatus [[/underline]] (Lepinte) in low scrub right at edge tall forest. 
1 1/2 - 3 ft up. Noisy. Uttering R's and loud "CN" or SHN's. But definitely alone. (This site is very close to where I saw the mixed flock including rufous spinetails and olive, yellow, blue & black tanagers the other day. Perhaps the [[underline]] nigrocristatus [[/underline]] were avoiding the flock that day???)
Sky clearing rapidly 6:18. Sun will soon reach this area.
6:21 Right at edge taller forest. See single Firebelly 30 - 40 ft up in tree. Definitely alone. Utters "Seeet" Notes. Flies away.
[[margin, in red]] 56 [[/margin]]
Starting down hill again 6:28.
6:33 am See mixed flock. All in tall tree, 15 - 30 ft up, in region dense alpine scrub. 
[[margin, in green]] 85 [[/margin]]
Group includes 2 [[two green check marks]] [[underline]] eximias [[/underline]], 1 [[green check mark]] Black & White, 1 [[green check mark]] Blue & Orange, 1 [[green check mark]] Whitebeard.
[[margin, in purple]] XIII HO [[/margin]]
[[margin, in green]] 86 [[/margin]]
All quiet. All apparently looking for insects leaves & bark. The [[underline]] eximias [[/underline]] may also be taking mistletoe. One Firebelly j---> group. Firebelly also supplants ---> Black & White. This is certainly as brightly,