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[[circled]] 29 [[/circled]]
er (in some place very low, in some place including small trees), scattered among patches of grassy pasture, with only occasional single mature trees (presumably remnants original forest) at wide but irregular intervals.
[[margin, in red]] 67 [[/margin]]
6:44. See single Firebelly alone. In low trees scattered scrub. 4 ft up. Fairly noisy.
Rain suddenly pours down 6:45. Too hard to work for the time being.
From car, see single Sooty Thrush fly by alone. Also see pair Whitebeards alone. In isolated patch scrub. 6 ft up. Fairly noisy.
Rain getting much lighter 7:12. Going to try to work again.
In fact, rain stops completely within a couple of minutes. A sudden outburst of bird sounds right after rain.
Going along road. See pair Yellowbellies in second growth scrub by river. 
[[margin, in red]] 69 [[/margin]]
[[margin, in green]] 114 [[/margin]]
6 ft up. Then, only 20 ft away, see 1 Yellowbelly [[red and green check marks]] [[underline]] and [[/underline]] 1 [[green check mark and red check mark]] Firebelly, 
[[margin, in purple]] VI N [[/margin]]
only 1 ft apart from one another, same level, same patch of scrub. The Yellowbelly and Firebelly completely ignore one another. Then Firebelly flies down into lower scrub. Disappears from view. Yellow belly remains behind.
See some more Sooty Thrushes alone.
Some minutes later, area about 100 yds away, see 2 [[two green check marks]] Firebellies and at least 2 
[[margin, in purple]] VII HO [[/margin]]
[[margin, in green]] 118 [[/margin]]
[[two green check marks]] Yellow bellies flying around from tree to tree together. Undoubtedly same birds seen together earlier. Twice firebellies f ---> Yellow bellies. [[underline]] Quite clearly conscious, purposeful following. [[/underline]]
See single Sooty Thrush going from isolated bush to isolated bush in pasture slightly uphill from road. 
[[margin, in red]] Cinn [[/margin]]
It is repeatedly (at least 4 times) [[underline]] swooped at by a Cinnamon Hummingbird! [[/underline]]
Perhaps the Cinnamons dislike [[underline]] anything [[/underline]] the