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Going to work near town this afternoon.Arrive usual place 3:35 p.m.  Raining.  But it looks as if rain might pass.  Going to try to work
  Rain stopped by 3:40
   See single thrush alone.  Sooty grey.  Dark bill and eye ring.  Probably also legs.  Seems to be lighter toward rear underparts.  Is this Pale-vented Thrush???
   See single [[underline]] Tangara cayana – ruficapilla [[/underline]] alone. Perched exposed top tree 30 ft. up.
   Unfortunately, there is a  hawk around here. Making all the small birds hide. (Certainly,none of them shows any tendency to mob.)
   There are a number of hummingbirds feeding on Guavo flowers 4:05. Unfortunately too far away to identify.
    See a single [[underline]] cayana-ruficapilla [[/underline]] ("CYR") in top bare tree. Alone.
Joined by pair BT's, Can't tell if joining is intentional or not.  All fly off together.
   Then see pair BT's in trees alone.  Also single CYR in another tree alone.  Then see pair BT's and 1 CYR together in third tree.  CYR flies off. BT's do [[underline]] not [[/underline]] follow.
   4:20 p.m. Hear what [[underline]] sound [[/underline]] like Albi R's   In single row trees and scrub along trees.  Then catch glimpses of bird  which might have uttered the sounds.  Apparently fairly light in color.  Might be vireo or flycatcher Yes!  It seems to be some type of black-headed tody-type flycatcher.  Alone.
   4:40  See group 3 CYR's alone. Top tree. 25 ft. up.
    It is beginning to look as if the B8's are not permanent residents of this area!
[[on left margin B8 in red]]
  5:03.  Starting to rain.  Go along path to scrub edge larger river