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[[circled]] 33 [[/circled]]
[[margin, in red]] Scan [[/margin]]
(the Cauca itself?). See single bird which looks (in silhouette) and sounds like Scan. Alone. 
Leaving 5:15 pm
May 17, 1965
Region of Purace
Arrive same place as yesterday morning 5:43 a.m. Getting light. Sky half clear, half cloudy. Looks as if there might be rain later on. 
[[margin, in red]] 77 [[/margin]]
6:21 See single Yellow-faced [[red check mark]] Whitestart alone 4 ft up in scrub
6:31 See single Sooty Thrush alone. 3 ft up in scrub
Going up hill 6:45. See another single Sooty Thrush alone. Top small tree. Then see another, in flight. And then a couple more single Sooty Thrushes alone
[[margin, in red]] 79 [[/margin]] 
7:30. See pair Yellow-faced [[two red check marks]] Whitestarts alone. Feeding low in scrub and high in trees. Definitely alone. One individual Sings occasionally
[[margin, in red]] 80 [[/margin]] Then see single Firebelly [[red check mark]] moving thru tree-tops, 15 - 25 ft up. Noisy but definitely alone. 
[[margin, in red]] 83 [[/margin]]
7:57 See [[underline]] 3 [[/underline]] [[three red check marks]] Firebellies fly by alone.
Wind is getting stronger and stronger. And it is bitterly cold!
8:30 Down by road. See 4 more Sooty Thrushes alone
[[margin, in red]] Laf [[/margin]]
[[margin, in purple]] XX N [[/margin]]
[[in green]] 133 [[/in green]] Also see mixed flock in scrub by road. Group includes at least [[green check mark]] 1 Firebelly,
[[margin, in green]] 134 [[/margin]]
2 PR [[two green check marks]] Altapetes, 1 Laf [[green check mark]], and (apparently) [[underline]] 1 [[green check mark]] Andean Sparrow. [[/underline]] Firebelly in lead at first. Followed by PR's. Laf repeatedly f-----> PR. All these
species 4 - 10 ft up in scrub. Andean Sparrow also appears to follow -----> PR's repeatedly. But it is at a much lower level in scrub. 6" - 1' ab