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[[circled]] 42 [[/circled]]
[[margin, in red]] Sitti [[/margin]]
[[margin, in green]] 153 [[/margin]]
Visible members include: 2 [[two green check marks]] [[insert, in purple]] 1 [[/insert]] Yellow-faced Whitestarts, 2 [[two green check marks]] [[insert, in purple]] 2 [[/insert]] Sittis, 1 [[green check mark]] [[insert, in purple]] 3 [[/insert]] Black & White,
[[margin, in green]] 156 [[/margin]]
1 [[green check mark]] [[insert, in purple]] 4 [[/insert]] Blue & Orange, 1 [[green check mark]] [[insert, in purple]] 5 [[/insert]] Whitebeard, 1 [[green check mark]] [[insert, in purple]] 6 [[/insert]] LXXXXI flycatcher. From sounds, I suppose that 
[[margin, in green]] 159 [[/margin]]
group also includes at least 1 [[green check mark]] [[insert, in purple]] 7 [[/insert]] Firebelly and
2 [[two green check marks]] [[insert, in purple]] 8 [[/insert]] [[underlined]] B. nigrocristatus [[/underlined]]. Visible birds all ranging 2 - 8 ft up. The Firebelly and [[underlined]] nigrocristatus [[/underlined]] stayed very low in scrub. Flycatchers and Whitestarts flycatching as usual. Sittis picking
insects off leaves. Most of group quiet. Only "CN"s. Firebelly uttered 1 "Ta-aul" type Song phrase. [[underlined]] nigrocristatus [[/underlined]] uttered lots of R's. Group fairly coherent. All birds 1 - 10 ft apart. Most of the time, [[underlined]] it obviously had no leaders [[/underlined]]. And no species showed any particular tendency to follow any other. Naturally, under these circumstances, the group was stationary for a long time (at least 10 minutes). Eventually, it drifted slowly down hill. I couldn't tell if any species
in particular was leading this downward movement. Just possibly, it [[underlined]] may [[/underlined]]
have been the Blue & Orange.
Rather surprisingly, there was some overt hostility within this flock. I believe that this is the first flock in this region in which I have seen such hostility.
[[margin, in red]] Sitti [[/margin]]
Once one Sitti chased the other. This chase apparently accompanied by soft but long R. And once, one Sitti chased and [[underlined]] furiously [[/underlined]] attacked another bird of another species. Apparently a small flycatcher. This chase and attack silent. This behavior of Sittis is really quite remarkable!
Sun trying to come out 7:45
[[margin, in red]] Laf 102 [[/margin]]
See single Laf [[red check mark]] alone. 6 ft up tree in alpine scrub. Silent.
More Sooty Thrushes alone. 
[[margin, in red]] 104 [[/margin]]
A single Firebelly [[red check mark]] flies by alone 7:59. Then see single Laf [[red check mark]] silent and alone. 
[[margin, in red]] Laf [[/margin]]
Several Lafs singing quite energetically 8:04. Whitestarts silent
[[margin, in red]] VIII [[/margin]]
See Green VIII  hummingbird feeding on dark red cup shaped flowers.