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[[circled]] 44 [[/circled]]
Obviously the natural vegetation of this area is very tall, humid forest. More or less like Munchique. But a great deal of it has been cut. Probably very recently in many areas. There is lots of bamboo thicket around in spots.
Weather today quite good. Little cloud.
Stop one area mixed forest and scrub 9500 ft, 5:45 a.m. Lots of bird noises. Much more than higher up mountain.
Stop another area 2825 m, 9225 ft. Some low scrub. Also forest nearby 5:55 a.m.
Not as much bird noise as at first place we stopped. But hear something that sounds like Yellow-faced Whiterstart Song. Nothing else audible at the time.
See single Sooty Thrush alone. 2 ft up isolated scrub in pasture-marsh. Then see another;  also alone, in similar scrub
Then hear lots more Whitestarts Singing 6:05 a.m. Then hear what might be Whitestarts alternating with Cy edge nearby forest.
[[margin, in green]] 2 [[/margin]]
6:15 a.m. See mixed flock. Includes 2 [[two green check marks]] [[insert, in purple]] 1 [[/insert]] [[underline]] B. luteovirides [[/underline]] (very [[underline]] Basileuterus[[/underline]]-like in shape - broad yellow superciliaries) and at least 3 [[three green check marks]] [[insert, in purple]] 2 [[/insert]]
[[underline]] Prendospingus [[/underline]].
[[margin, in purple]] I HO [[/margin]]
[[margin, in green]] 7 [[/margin]]
Possibly others [[two green check marks]] [[insert, in purple]] 3 [[/insert]]. Moving thru very mixed but not very high second growth scrub, between marsh-pasture and forest. All birds [[underline]] very, very [[/underline]] noisy; lots of "CN"s, "PN"s, R's, "Flourishes", Twitters, what have you [[underline]] luteovirides [[/underline]] definitely in lead. [[underline]] Pseudospingus [[/underline]] follow [[underline]] repeatedly [[/underline]]. [[underline]] luteovirides [[/underline]] ranging 2 - 5 ft up. [[underline]] Pseudospingus [[/underline]] 4 - 20 ft. up. All apparently looking for insects on leaves and twigs. 
I first saw group when [[underline]] Pseudospingus [[/underline]] flew into small tree in which Whitestart was Singing. This can be classified as a joining reaction. But the Whitestart immediately shut up, and flew [[underline]] away [[/underline]], into a tree 25 ft