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[[circled]] 54 [[/circled]]
nch projecting above scrub. Definitely alone. Sings repeatedly. Sometimes Songs overlap those of Yellow-faced Whitestart in same neighborhood. Sometimes not. 
Then see single Sooty Thrush alone.
Everything quiet at 6:05am. Then Whitestarts begin singing again.
Birds in general seem to be surprisingly rare here. Where I am working now is obviously young second growth scrub; but it is quite dense. There is pasture on 3 sides of scrub, but it is connected to forest on fourth side. And there is lots of other forest beyond pastures. There don't seem to be many flowers around, but there are some hummingbirds.

[[left margin in purple]]V HO[[/left margin]] [[left margin in green]] 47 [[/left margin]]

6:44. Come across mixed flock - of sorts. [[two green checkmarks]] [[purple]] 1 [[/purple]] 2 Whitestarts in tree; 15-30 ft up. One singing quite frequently. And I can hear a lot of other birds in scrub below them. It sounds as if there may be Atlapetes, Yellowbelly(ies), and even a Pipaeidea. But all quite invisible.
More single Sooty Thrushes alone.

[[left margin green]] 49 53 [[/left margin]] [[left margin in red]] Cy [[/left margin]]

6:55 Get good view of another mixed flock. Includes 2 [[two green checkmarks]] Yellow-face [[purple]] 2 [[/purple]] Whitestarts, 2 Cys [[two green checkmarks]], 3 [[three green checkmarks]] adult [[purple]] 3  [[/purple]] Blue & Blacks and 1 [[green checkmark]] juv. Blue & Black. In young second growth along side of road. The 3 adult Blue & Blacks definitely in lead. Followed by the Cys and the Whitestarts (which alternate second and third places). Followed by juv. Blue & Black. Blue & Blacks quiet, uttering only "CN"s and/or "PN"s.
Both Cys and Whitestarts [[underlined]] very [[/underlined]] noisy, however. Both sing typical song phrases repeatedly.

[[left margin in red]] Cy [[/left margin]]

[[underlined]] They alternate bursts of Song without overlap at least [[double underlined]]15[[/double underlined]] times [[/underlined]]!!! Also sing at least 3 or 4 times with partial overlaps. And once with complete overlap. Most (but probably not all) overlaps occur because Whitestart begins to sing when Cy is in middle of phrase.

[[left margin in red]] Cy [[/left margin]] 

Once, one Whitestart repeatedly chases and supplants Cy! This dis