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is silent. It is beginning to look as if Whitestarts have a special inter-specific dislike for Diglossini!!!
[[margin, in red]] Gen [[/margin]]
But perhaps the Diglossini are the only birds in mixed flocks which are small enough for Whitestarts to attack
[[margin, in green]] 55 [[/margin]]
Two Sooty Thrushes definitely join [[two green check marks]] ---> group. They seem to be more interested in me than in the other birds; but they definitely stay with group for some minutes at least.
Whitestarts range 1 - 10 ft up. Flycatching. Cys range 2 - 8 ft up.
Eating small green fruits at least part of time. Blue & Blacks range 1 - 4 ft up Thrushes range 3 - 10 ft.
Members of group stay close together. Usually only 5 - 10 ft apart But group is not progressing very rapidly. 
Go on down road a little. Find another mixed flock. 3 Yellow-faced Whitestarts and 1 adult Blue & Black. Blue & Black quiet, low in scrub. Whitestart(s) Sing(s) occasionally. Ranging from low in scrub to 10 ft up in small tree. 
It looks as if Blue & Blacks may be passive nuclear here (too).
Another single Sooty Thrush alone 7:35 am.
Go walking along edge forest ca. 8300 ft. Then along path in forest Quite a lot of bird noise but nothing visible (yet). Catch glimpses of a few things in dense scrub Unidentifiable. 
[[margin, in green]] 57 [[/margin]]
8:45 See 2 [[two green check marks]] adult Blue & Blacks (not together) fly from low scrub into tall trees 20 - 40 ft up edge forest. Uttering "Seeet" Notes. Then I hear
[[margin]] [[in purple]] VI HO [[/in purple]] [[in green]] 58 [[/in green]] [[/margin]]
Whitestart Song in same general clump trees. [[green check mark]] Is Whitestart [[underline]] attractive [[/underline]] to Blue & Blacks??? (This may be partly the same as one of the groups seen earlier this morning.)
8:50 Along road. See single [[red check mark]] Yellow-belly, apparently alone, 1 ft