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[[circled]] 56 [[/circled]]
up in isolated clump fern! Then see single [[green check mark]] Sooty-Thrush in a small bush 10 ft away. Both birds silent. Thrush flies past [[green check mark]] Yellow-belly into scrub some distance away. 
[[margin, in purple]] VII N [[/margin]]
[[margin, in green]] 60 [[/margin]]
Yellowbelly f ---> SootyThrush [[underline]] part way [[/underline]]. Lands in small tree. Then another Yellowbelly flies into tree 20 ft away. Both 10-15 ft up. Both quiet. [[underline]] Probably [[/underline]] feeding on fruit.
Light rain starting 9:00am.
See single SootyThrush alone.
Leaving 9:15 am.
Arrive area where last big mixed flock seen yesterday, 9050 ft, 2750m. Cloudy But not raining. Just below fog level 9:30am.
Single Sooty Thrush flies by alone. Then another. Noisy.
9:45 am. See big mixed flock [[underline]] Certainly partly the same flock as yesterday! [[/underline]]
[[margin, in purple]] VIII HO [[/margin]]
Going in exactly same direction, on an exactly parallel course, just 50 yds away (I paced off the distance!). (And note that the flock is appearing at almost exactly same time.) The course today takes the flock thru vegetation which is lower, on the average, than that of the course yesterday. Lots of second growth 
[[margin, in green]] 61 [[/margin]]
bushes and small trees and climbing bamboo. Group today includes [[underline]] 1 [[green check mark]] [[male symbol]] [[insert, in purple]] 1 [[/insert]] Albi [[/underline]] 
[[margin, in green]] 67 [[/margin]]
[[margin, in red]] Albi [[/margin]]
(definite!), 2 [[two green check marks]] [[insert, in purple]] 2 [[/insert]] small brown wrens, at least 4 [[four green check marks]] [[insert, in purple]] 3 [[/insert]] Blue & Black's (apparently 
[[margin, in green]] 69 [[/margin]]
2 pairs- 2 groups of 2 individuals [[underline]] not [[/underline]] associating with one another), 2 [[two green check marks]] [[insert, in purple]] 4 [[/insert]] 
[[margin, in green]] 73 [[/margin]]
PL Atlapetes, at least 2 [[three green check marks]] [[insert, in purple]] 5 [[/insert]] (probably 3 or 4) Yellow-bellys, a large [[green check mark]] [[insert, in purple]] 6 [[/insert]]  tree creeper, 
[[margin, in green]] 77 [[/margin]]
2 [[two green check marks]] [[insert, in purple]] 7 [[/insert]] [[underline]] Bauleuterus nigrovintatus (definite), at least 1 [[two green check marks]] [[insert, in purple]] 8 [[/insert]] (probably more) [[underline]] Henispingus altropileus [[/underline]].
[[margin, in green]] 78 [[/margin]]
Also 1 [[green check mark]] Flycatcher LXXXXI (heard but not seen). Possibly 
[[margin, in green]] 81 [[/margin]]
others. [[three green check marks]] [[insert, in purple]] 10 11 [[/insert]] [[underline]] Certainly no Whitestarts, Laf, or Cy! [[/underline]]
Flock as a whole was quiet. Only exception was [[underline]] H. atropileus.[[/underline]] This bird uttered lots of Begging type Notes. Juvenile?
[[margin, in red]] Albi [[/margin]]
Leadership of group changed [[underline]] repeatedly [[/underline]]. When first seen, [[underline]] Albi was [[/underline]]