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[[circled]] 59 [[/circled]]

day. Arrive 5:30 am. Just starting to get light. Rain & fog!

6:05. Lots of single Sooty Thrushes flying about alone.

6:15. See a PL [[green checkmark]] Atlapetes fly across road into bamboo scrub.
[[left margin in green]] 85 [[/left margin]] [[left margin in purple]] IX HO [[/left margin]] [[left margin in red]] 4 [[/left margin]]

There also are other sounds in this scrub. Perhaps [[2 green checkmarks]] [[underlined]] H. atropileus [[/underlined]] and a [[green checkmark]]flycatcher.  Apparently flock(s) is (are) forming already

6:25 See single [[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] PR [[/underlined]] Atlapetes alone, in very low sparse growth beside road. Silent. Only a few inches above ground. [[left margin in purple]] X HO [[/left margin]] (This is a relatively [[underlined]] terrestrial [[/underlined]] species, compared with most of the other brightly colored [[underlined]] Atlapetes [[/underlined]].

[[left margin in purple]] X HO [[/left margin]]

 Not very [[underlined]] chlorospingus-[[/underlined]] like. In shape rather similar to [[underlined]] gutturalis [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] brunnei-nucha [[/underlined]].)

A minute later see [[underlined]] enormous [[/underlined]] flock coming down hill across road from PR. Following more or less same route as flocks seen yesterday and the day before;

[[left margin in green]] 89 93 97 102 104 107 112 [[/left margin]] 

but going in opposite direction. Group includes [[4 green checkmarks]] [[purple]] 1 [[/purple]] [[underlined]] Pseudospingus [[/underlined]] at least, [[green checkmark]] [[purple]] 2 [[/purple]] 1 Blue & Black, at least [[2 green checkmarks]] [[purple]] 3 [[/purple]] 2 Yellowbellies, at least [[green checkmark]] [[purple]] 4 [[/purple]] 1 [[underlined]] Cnemoscopus [[/underlined]], at least [[green checkmark]] [[purple]] 5 [[/purple]] 1 GT, at least [[green checkmark]] [[purple]] 6 [[/purple]] 1 PL Atlapetes, [[2 green checkmarks]] [[purple]] 7 [[/purple]] 2 Yellow-faced Whitestarts,

[[left margin in red]] Sitti [[/left margin]]

at least [[2 green checkmarks]] [[purple]] 8 [[/purple]] 2 [[underlined]] B. nigrocristatus [[/underlined]], [[2 green checkmarks]] [[purple]] 9 [[/purple]]  2 Sittis, at least [[green checkmark]] [[purple]] 10 [[/purple]] 1 Ruddy Flycatcher, at least [[2 green checkmarks]] [[purple]] 11 [[/purple]] 2 or 3 tree creepers (probably all same species - light patch on throat and light superciliary). Almost certainly [[8 green checkmarks]] others. [[purple]] 12 13 14 15 16 [[/purple]] Probably 25 - 30 birds as a whole. I.E. the flock is fully up to Munchique standards.

As far as I could tell, group was not joined by the PR Atlapetes or any species of Diglossa.

The group as a whole was very arboreal. More so than flocks seen previously in this area. Possibly scrub is too damp today to be comfortable. (Incidentally, the rain started to come down hard during the period I was watching the flock; but this did not appear to induce any change in the behavior of the birds.) Birds normally entered tall bushes and fairly high patch