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[[circled]] 60 [[/circled]]
es bamboo scrub; but they usually stick to trees, both second growth and mature. 
The [[underline]] Pseudospingus [[/underline]] were the most thoroughly arboreal, on the whole,
ranging 15 - 40 ft up. Showed a definite tendency to stick to tree-tops, at any
level. Flitting about on top, poking down [[underline]] into [[/underline]] crown,
apparently looking for insects. Everything else tended to stay slightly under the "cover"
of the top 
[[margin, in red]] Sitti [[/margin]]
most series of leaves. Sittis ranging 15 - 30 ft up. Definitely picking insects off
leaves. Yellowbellies and Blue & Black ranging 10 - 35 ft up. Couldn't see what they were feeding
on. Tree creepers ranging more or less same elevations as Sittis Whitestarts ranging 10 - 35 ft up. 
Flycatching as usual All or most of the rest of the birds averaged somewhat Lower, probably
ranging 8 - 30 ft up. The GT was seen only briefly, 25 - 30 ft up.
All or almost all birds very noisy. Especially [[underline]] Pseudospingus [[/underline]].
Whitestart(s) Sang occasionally. [[underline]] B. nigrovirstatus [[/underline]] uttered R's. 
Leadership of group apparently changing occasionally. But usually being exercised by the more
"warbler-like" types. [[underline]] Pseudospingus [[/underline]] certainly in lead [[underline]]
a good part of the time [[/underline]]. Led flight across road. But I think the [[underline]]
nigrocristatus [[/underline]] 
[[margin, in red]] Sitti [[/margin]]
and the Sittis also led for some seconds or minutes. Yellowbellies usually near or at rear. PL certainly
showed no tendency to lead. 
The Yellow bellies and the Blue & Black tended to stay close to one another. So, [[underline]] probably [[/underline]], did the Sittis and the tree creepers!
One of the Whitestarts chased the other from time to time. Also supplanted a [[underline]] B. nigrocristatus [[/underline]] at least once. Chases & supplants silent. But chase followed by Songs. 
When flock was first seen, it was in area where there was a lot of bamboo among trees. There seems to have been one, or a small group, of [[underline]] H. [[/underline]]