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[[circled]] 61 [[/circled]]
[[underline]] atropileus [[/underline]] in this bamboo all morning. Members of flock certainly passed
through and over this bamboo. They might be said to join ---> [[underline]] atropileus [[/underline]]
[[margin, in red]] 6 [[/margin]]
But then the flock moved on and across road. And apparently [[two red check marks]] the [[underline]] 
atropileus [[/underline]] did [[underline]] not [[/underline]] follow. 
Rain still continuing 7:10, but going to try to work again.
Everything quiet now. Presumably most of birds "sucked out" with flock. Rain getting lighter 7:18.
See single Sooty Thrushes alone. 
Go up road several hundred yards. See another mixed flock. Apparently largely or completely different
from flock seen earlier this morning. First see 
[[margin, in purple]] XI HO [[/margin]]
[[margin, in green]] 114 [[/margin]]
pair [[two green check marks]] [[insert, in purple]] 1 [[/insert]] Yellow-faced Whitestarts in small tree
one side of road. 5 - 20 ft up. Then
[[margin, in green]] 118 [[/margin]]
see 4 or 5 [[four green check marks]] [[insert, in purple]] 2 [[/insert]] of the All-Rufous Spinetails (apparently same species as in Eastern Cordillera  and 1 PL Atlapetes) close together in very low scrub
on other side of road. All ranging 6" to 2 ft up. Apparently feeding on insects. PL f and j --->
[[margin, in green]] 120 [[/margin]]
Spinetails repeatedly. Then Whitestarts [[two green check marks]] [[insert, in purple]] 3 [[/insert]] j ...> group. Then more birds 
[[margin, in green]] 122 [[/margin]] 
appear, apparently following Spinetail-PL group. At least two [[two green check marks]] [[insert, in purple]] 4 [[/insert]] Yellow-bellies 
[[margin, in green]] 123 [[/margin]]
And 1 [[green check mark]] [[insert, in purple]] 5 [[/insert]] Plush-capped Finch. In small trees 19 ft up. Plush-capped Finch  f ---> Yellow bllies. Then whole group moves along road. Somewhere
[[margin, in green]] 126 [[/margin]]
along the way, they pick up 2 [[two green check marks]] [[insert, in purple]] 6 [[/insert]] [[underline]] B. nigrocristatus [[/underline]] and at least 1 [[green check mark]] [[insert, in purple]] 7 [[/insert]]
[[underline]] H. atropileus  [[/underline]]. At ifrst whole group, except the tanagers, remains in low scrub, both bamboo and "other" Sticking 1 - 8 ft above ground. At this time, the Yellow-faced Whitestarts [[underline]] appear [[/underline]] to be in lead. Flitting about conspicuously. But I am not sure that the [[underline]] real [[/underline]] leaders of the group are not still the All-rufous Spinetails, which are more or less hidden from my sight because they reamin low(1 - 4 ft up). Yellowbellies tend to remain 6 - 10 ft up
in low trees; but once a Yellow-belly j ---> Whitestart in low scrub.