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[[circled]] 64 [[/circled]]
other largely arboreal or largely scrub species.
May 24, 1965
Purau - Tijeras

Going to work same place as yesterday. Arrive 5:25 am. 
Heavy fog! Cold! Still quite dark (black in fact!)
First bird sounds 5:35. Thrushes and wrens First "thrasepine"
DC 5:38 Lots of birds doing it. [[underline]] Banleuterus [[/underline]]-type R's 
and Flourishes 5:42 First Atlapetes type Whistle Songs 5:49 Overlapping all sorts of things. 
But no Diglossini or Whitestarts yet.
6:02 Birds in general about as noisy as yesterday. But probably
moving around somewhat less frequently. Activity increasing 6:05. Yellow-bellied Tanagers
moving around. 
Visibility is extremely poor!
Bird in general much quieter 6:17. Perhas a flock has formed and gone already! 
If so, I haven't seen it.
Fog lifting a little
[[margin, in red]] 11 [[/margin]]
See single [[underline]] nigrocristatus [[/underline]] [[red check mark]] alone, 3 ft up
in low scrub. Uttering R's. Then there is a sudden outburst bird sounds both sides of road.
Scrub and bamboo. Obviously a mixed flock [[underline]] assembling [[/underline]]! 
Lots and lots of birds mulling about in all directions, over area of at least 100 yards square.
All [[underline]] very noisy [[/underline]]. Lots of R's, "CN"s, "PN"s, a variety of Songs, etc etc.
[[margin]] [[in purple]] XIV HO [[/in purple]] [[in green]] 147 [[/in green]] [[/margin]]
The group as a whole includes at least the following, at one time or another: 
2 [[two green check marks]] [[insert, in purple]] 1 [[/insert]] [[underline]] Pseudospingus [[/underline]], 
2 [[two green check marks]] [[insert, in purple]] 2 [[/insert]] [[underline]] Cnemoscopus [[/underline]],
1 [[green check mark]] [[insert, in purple]] 3 [[/insert]] [[underline]] Butteraupes [[/underline]] [[double underline]] cucullata [[/underline]]
[[margin, in green]] 153 [[margin]]
(sic)!, 2 [[two green check marks]] [[insert, in purple] 4 [[/insert]] [[underline]] "Whitestripes" [[/underline]] (sic!), 2 [[two green check marks]] [[insert, in purple]] 5 [[/insert]] Blue & Blacks, 
1 [[green check mark]] [[insert, in purple]] 6 [[/insert]] Yellow belly, 2 [[two green check marks]] [[insert, in purple]] 7 [[/insert]] [[underline]] H. [[/underline]]