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[[circled]] 65 [[/circled]]
[[margin]] [[in red]] Sitti [[/in red]] [[in green]] 158 [[/in green]]
[[underline]] atropileus, 2 [[green check marks]] [[insert, in purple]] 8 [[/insert]] Plush capped Finches,
1 [[green check mark]] [[insert, in purple]] 9 [[/insert]] Sitti, 1 [[green check mark]] [[insert, in purple]] 10 [[/in purple]] PR Atlapetes, 1 [[green check mark]] [[insert, in purple]] 11 [[/insert]] PL Atlapetes, 
[[margin, in green]] 164 [[/margin]]
2 [[two green check marks]] [[insert, in purple]] 12 [[/insert]] [[underline]] B. nigrocristatus [[/underline]],
2 [[two green check marks]] [[insert, in purple]] 13 [[/insert]] Yellow faced Whitestarts, 2 [[two green check marks]] [[insert, in purple]] 14 [[/insert]] Flycatcher LXXXXI, 
[[margin, in green]] 167 [[/margin]]
1 Ruddy [[green check mark]] [[insert, in purple]] 15 [[/insert]] Flycatcher, 2 [[two green check marks]] [[insert, in purple]] 16 [[/insert]] or 3 tree-creepers (all same species - same one seen yesterday - light throat and superciliary).
For about 10 minutes, the group does not "progress" at all. Birds going in all direction, and many individuals frequently flying away from main body of group and their returning Gradually a sense of direction asserts itself and whole group drifts slowly down road. At this time, there is no consistent leadership. I saw the following lead at one time or another: [[underline]] H. atropileus [[/underline]], PL Atlapetes, [[underline]] Pseudospingus [[/underline]], tree-creeper, Blue & Black. 
At least twice, PL j --> [[underline]] atropileus [[/underline]] repeatedly. 
Both the Plush-capped Finches and the [[underline]] atropileus [[/underline]] stucj pretty closely to bamboo. (The [[underline]] Plush-capped certainly is bamboo-loving here! [[/underline]]) The [[underline]] negrocrutatus [[/underline]], "White-lines", and PR Atlapetes stuck to low scrub of all types, bamboo and others. Their 5 species ranges 1 - 10 ft above ground. 
[[margin, in red]] Sitti [[/margin]]
The [[underline]] Butteraupes, Sitti, Blue & Blacks, [[underline]] cisemoscopus [[/underline]], Yellowbelly, tree-creepers, and [[underline]] Pseudospingus [[/underline]] stuck to trees 10 - 20 feet up. [[underline]] Pseudospingus [[/underline]] more frequently in the very tops of trees than others. The Ruddy Flycatcher probably also spent most of its time in trees. The Flycatcher LXXXXI, by contrast, tended to stay low in scrub. The PL and the Whitestart ranged all levels. Whitestarts more often high then low. The PL usually medium.
The [[underline]] Butteraupes [[/underline]] ate fairly large green fruits. All the others seemed to be looking for insects (in their usual ways). The Yellowbelly got several caterpillars. 
I did not see the PR again after the first few minutes. Perhaps it