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[[circled]] 66 [[/circled]]
left the group. But all the others certainly stayed together.
There was a lot of inter-specific disputing within the flock. Rather surprising. 
Couldn't identify combatants in many cases. But [[underline]] certainly [[/underline]]
the Whitestarts were [[underline]] never [[/underline]] involved. Once a Blue & Black 
chased and apparently attacked a "Whitestripe". Once there was a dispute between a 
Blue & Black and a tree creeper. Are Blue & Blacks particularly aggressive here? Is
disputing characteristic of the period when flocks are assembling???
After proceeding down toad slowly for a while, group suddenly turned and went up hill.
Probably accelerating at same time (i.e. having achieved complete social cohesion.) 
In distance, I can see that many of the birds have now gone 30-40 ft up in tops of
mature trees. 
It is interesting that Blue & Orange Tanagers do [[underline]] not [[/underline]] seem
to occur in this area. Altho they did occur in similar environment on Manchique, and also
occur in Alpine Scrub only a few KM away here. They must be unable to compete with some
other species in this forest. The Plush-capped Finch??? (Note that the 2 species are not
dissimilar in pattern.)
Everything very quiet after flock hs gone.
Fog coming back in 7:10 am.
7:16 Going down road a little. Catch glimpses of what seems to be a pair [[two red check
marks]] of B. luteoverides. One on each side of road. Alone. Sound like luteoverides heard
a few days ago. Uttering sharp SHN's. 
Whitestarts Singing occasionally in distance. No diglonnie or Altapetes audible at the time.
Then go up road. Fog lifts partly 7:38. And there is a sudden increase bird sounds. Including
Whitestart Songs. Everything unbelievably quiet 8:45 am