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a considerable portion at both ends of this
route (without having at any time traversed the
whole from end to end) I can safely predict
that you will find it the most eligible to obtain
the point in view

So far I write from personal observation
but I have never travelled further in the direction
of Babine Lake.  I will however note down
what information I have got from others

The point where the Horse road strikes
Stuarts Lake is called the Montie.  It is about
9 miles from Fort St James.  Here is a horse
trail from the Montie to the Babine Portage
at the end of Stuarts Lake, thickly wooded
in most parts.  From the end of S. Lake
to Babine Lake 9 miles there is a good
waggon or cart road used by the H.B.C
to transport supplies across

From the other end of Babine Lake
the most accessable route to the sea is from
what I have learned as follows

Following down the Babine River a
certain distance then striking over from the
left bank by the Indian Portage to the
Rocher Deboule or "Fallen Rock" on the
Skeena River and following down that
stream to its issue at Port Essington some 40
miles south of Fort Simpson.  Thence to the fort