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Saturday Jan 25.72
Morning call at office, leave letters. Mr. Bailey comes in. At 2 P.M. go down with Capt. Hall and look at the [[Sanborn?]], up to his office and draw out agreement. Evening call on Stearns.

Sunday Jan 26
Church in A.M., meeting after church 
Mr. Stebbins called to Cambridge. Write letters. Dine at Capt. Noyes.

Monday Jan 27
Work at room most of day. P.M. call on Mr Stebbins and walk round with him to Sutter Street. Return book & get another.

Tuesday Jan 28
Ride down with Capt. Hall and look at the vessel, which is all torn up. Work at room. P.M.  Go round to church meeting in regard to Mr. Stebbin's call.

Wednesday Jan 29
Work in room. Move office to the room in the new office 214 Stockton Street. Countermand draft and telegraph to Hein. See Hall about buying Tanks. Evening call on the De Ros.