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Thursday Feb. 6. 1873
Down to office and write Cooper. Work over collections at academy all a.m. P.M. Dine at Capt. Noyes. Call on Mrs. Otis in evening and go up with Stetson for a while. Look at vessel in A.M.

Friday Feb. 7
Have a very bad cold, and therefore decline Miss Brannan's invitation. Work at acad. part of day. Dine with Dr. Jas. Blake.

Saturday Feb 8
Go down in early A.M. to look at porpoise. Then up to office. See Scammon there & work over Shumagin angles. P.M. Go over to Henry Edwards & carry insects.

Sunday, Feb 9
Up to office with letters, then to church. Write letters at office. Go to C.L. Low's to dine. P.M. at Capt. Noyes, and stop for a few minutes at the Brannans before evening home.

Monday Feb 10
Up to office, in A.M. & read proof. About noon down to academy & work then till 4.40
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