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Return to office and work on chart.  Captain of the Antioch comes in and I give him what information I can. P.M. after dinner go out with Bendel and call on Capt. Hall.

Wednesday Feb. 19.
Get a letter in regard to the Japan Telegraph expedition from the Superintendent authorizing me to do what I can to forward the interests of the Company with out neglecting the interests of the Survey and authorizing me to communicate with Mr. Field.  Write to Supt. enclosing letter to Mr. Field.  Work over Shumagin map at office  P.M. call on the de Ros.

Thursday Feb. 20
A.M. Call at office to see Henry who goes up on the Hutchinson.  Then down to [[C.s?]] office and go to the Sche. Merill to examine the cabin arrangements and back to office to work on charts.  Evening call on Mrs. Jas. Otis

Friday Feb 21
Get bills for iron & go to [[mt?]] pay them.  Finish chart of Shumagins.  Dine at Capt. Noyes & call on the Brannans in P.M.

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Transcription Notes:
Sche. = Schooner?