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 Saturday Feb. 22. 73
Morning breakfast with Capt. Noyes & go out on the bay on the new Sh Eastport a collier for the Coos Bay Trade.  Have a delightful sail and get back about 2.30 P.M. Then go to Post office & down to C.S. office. work over distr. extras.  Evening dine with F.H. Rogers & go out to call on Stretch but find him out.  Take a bath

Sunday Feb. 23
Go to Church.  Write letters.  Dine at the Noyes, & spend the evening

Monday Feb 24
Down to office, day cold & windy.  Go down to the schooner with Wm Noyes take lunch with him then back to office.  Give Speyer new check.  See Hall, and then go down to the Academy & work over collections.  Evening Call on Mrs. Scammon

Tuesday Feb 25
Morning cold & windy. Down to office. Go over [[insert]] see Watkins [[/insert]] to Stearns' to lunch and then to John Reeds. then downtown leave note with Hickox and go to Cal. Academy where I look over prehistorics & pack. Evening call on C. A. Low[[forward slash]] out & C.L. Low.

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