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-Thursday Mar.13.-
Morning call at Carmanys + get proofs then up to office. Work over soundings then down town again into Steele's and Carmanys then up to Academy + work over packing and call on Capt Scammon in P.M. 
-Friday Mar. 14- 
Morning Mr Bendel comes in + we go down to the Merrill which is looking finely. Back to Office, down to Tildens + Academy & back to office for a while. Dine at Capt. Noyes 
-Saturday Mar 15- 
Morning at office. Copyist & Charley + Mr. Bailey came in Go down to Reeds + to the Humboldt-,Bring up barometer & leave it at Sacks to be repaired. Go to office + then to Tildens + room pack box + get them off to S.I. Then call at printers & binders Up to office again + work over shells + Then to Dinner, P.M. at Stearn's house 
-Sunday Mar. 16- 
Morning down to breakfast & then to office. Church in A.M. Write letters, dine with
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