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Monday April 7, 1873
See Carmany & printer & get proofs. Down to office Mansfield comes in. Look over proof & go down to Humboldt with Noyes to get inventory. P.M. See Bucknam and bootmaker and go up to office & work on inventory. Get dinner. Go to academy meeting & to Stearns after meeting is over.

Tuesday Apr. 8
Morning go into printers & Carmanys, order mattrasses & up to office. Engage Herrendeen for the voyage. 
Make out vouchers & send Noyes to get bills signed. About noon go down to vessel. and transfer instruments. see Buck about lamps, get mattrasses down, and see Davis who agrees to go up to Cooperative Union & try to arrange about bill, see the furniture man and then up to office. Get vouchers signed and P.M. call on Mrs. Hague & see Mrs. Howland.
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